what do you think of it now that it's in your hands?
I am Impressed, Great Pose, simple design, no magnets, would have been Real Cool if the Crystals lighted up
Sorry to hear that man. I toyed with the idea too but i'll hold to her since i'm in it for the entire line. In for a penny in for a pound
Those of you who have Gamora already, can you give any idea of how big her box is? I was hoping since she's only around 16" the box would be small-ish and not monstrously huge, but I know her base is huge...
SS site has the box listed as 15 x 17 x 25 ...the box was a little bigger then I expected, thought it would be smaller since she's a shorter piece but I guess its the width. Its an average medium size box, definitely not small like a museum pose statue.. thats one thing I love about my Deadpool, Batgirl, Harley and Joker statues.. the boxes are small and dont take up much room. Not sure what to compare it to but its not a humongous box.