Gas prices in California...

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I'm not surprised by this one little bit. When you have an administration who declares war on fossil fuel and big oil, vetoes legislation that could help reduce dependency on foreign oil (Keystone pipeline), halts offshore drilling in the Gulf, succumbs to the EPA and other environmental bullies and lobbyists, and redistributes millions and millions of tax payer dollars to green energy companies who ultimately fail because it's not yet a viable or economical option (one big shell game to give to his party's big money contributors), this is what happens. Man, I'm sounding more and more like Teemu.

When someone invents automobiles that run on unicorn farts, let me know. And don't believe that story about cars running off of pond algae scum either; that equates to $12/gallon gas and isn't a realistic alternative for several decades.

Our livelihood and prosperity depends on oil for right now. I'd love to see an intelligent transition to renewable energy sources, but it's irresponsible to think we can end our dependence on gasoline immediately by allowing the prices to rise and expect the same standard of living at the same price. For some lower income families, it's almost to the point of deciding what's cheaper, go to work or stay at home and get on federally funded unemployment for 99+ weeks, all paid for by China.

Anyone who can't see this by now is clearly not paying attention or living in Candyland.
the matrix has us------- up from it-----listen good stuff-------
I'm not surprised by this one little bit. When you have an administration who declares war on fossil fuel and big oil, vetoes legislation that could help reduce dependency on foreign oil (Keystone pipeline), halts offshore drilling in the Gulf, succumbs to the EPA and other environmental bullies and lobbyists, and redistributes millions and millions of tax payer dollars to green energy companies who ultimately fail because it's not yet a viable or economical option (one big shell game to give to his party's big money contributors), this is what happens. Man, I'm sounding more and more like Teemu.

When someone invents automobiles that run on unicorn farts, let me know. And don't believe that story about cars running off of pond algae scum either; that equates to $12/gallon gas and isn't a realistic alternative for several decades.

Our livelihood and prosperity depends on oil for right now. I'd love to
see an intelligent transition to renewable energy sources, but it's irresponsible to think we can end our dependence on gasoline immediately by allowing the prices to rise and expect the same standard of living at the same price. For some lower income families, it's almost to the point of deciding what's cheaper, go to work or stay at home and get on federally funded unemployment for 99+ weeks, all paid for by China.

Anyone who can't see this by now is clearly not paying attention or living in Candyland.

I'm not surprised by this one little bit. When you have an administration who declares war on fossil fuel and big oil, vetoes legislation that could help reduce dependency on foreign oil (Keystone pipeline), halts offshore drilling in the Gulf, succumbs to the EPA and other environmental bullies and lobbyists, and redistributes millions and millions of tax payer dollars to green energy companies who ultimately fail because it's not yet a viable or economical option (one big shell game to give to his party's big money contributors), this is what happens. Man, I'm sounding more and more like Teemu.

When someone invents automobiles that run on unicorn farts, let me know. And don't believe that story about cars running off of pond algae scum either; that equates to $12/gallon gas and isn't a realistic alternative for several decades.

Our livelihood and prosperity depends on oil for right now. I'd love to see an intelligent transition to renewable energy sources, but it's irresponsible to think we can end our dependence on gasoline immediately by allowing the prices to rise and expect the same standard of living at the same price. For some lower income families, it's almost to the point of deciding what's cheaper, go to work or stay at home and get on federally funded unemployment for 99+ weeks, all paid for by China.

Anyone who can't see this by now is clearly not paying attention or living in Candyland.

I doubt the EPA or environmental lobbyists have anything to do with it. The oil companies have the most money, and the lobbyist with the most money wins. They aren't tapping the U.S. supply in Alaska because it would drive prices down too much, and the oil companies like prices up. There are huge fans pumping natural gas back into the ground up there, to prevent it from escaping instead of it being used and causing the gas to be less profitable.
Just about or almost all the time where there's huge money is involve, there's lobbyists. And oil is also a big environmental issue. EPA is involve one way or another.
Just about wherever there are bureaucrats with the power to interfere with people's lives, there are lobbyists involved. One type is there to protect themselves from legislation, and the other is there to wield legislation against them.
Just about wherever there are bureaucrats with the power to interfere with people's lives, there are lobbyists involved. One type is there to protect themselves from legislation, and the other is there to wield legislation against them.
You have too much faith in the system.
Except that the government is run by the most powerful people, to serve the business interests of the most powerful people, with the most money, and the oil industry has more money than any environmental organization like the EPA, and thus the policies of the government will always serve those with the most power most. The government is there to serve the good ol boy network, first and foremost. The EPA is just a speed bump to them, which is quashed by bribes and blackmail.
The government does not exist to serve the best interests of the masses, just the profits of the rich. Any other notion is naive. It is how practically every government in the history of of civilization has ever been.

I am not even stating anything right or wrong. But I guess now I can add that there's corruption everywhere. As long as there's organized government, there's corruption one form or another. As long as there's the saying goes, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

But on the other hand, I wonder if Warren Buffet, Ted Turner, and other pull the string? They're rich and maybe powerful too? But I doubts they pull all the strings. I don't want to go too much into conspiracy as people do fall, from emperior to rich people.
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