I was enjoying reading alot of the online comments where people were saying it didn't matter because he would be useless in a small ball lineup. Truth is, he has caused alot of problems with small ball lineups on other teams. What happens is Kwahi, Green and Parker lock down the perimeter so the smalls are forced inside but run into a Duncan Alrdrige combo and things get difficult when they realize they cant drive on Duncan and Aldridge. After a few blocked shots and easy misses they start trying to bounce back out but at that point Kawhi/Green/Parker are expecting that and clog up the passing lanes.
I would expect Pop to start Aldridge, West, Green, Leonard and Parker. Its rare but sometimes he has started Boban over West, I would be surpised to see that. Pop doesn't usually adjust our lineup for other teams. The Spurs mentality has always been to play "our ball."