I don't think anyone here is doing any of that! I think people are just voicing their opinions that they feel GG is just come up short. It's a nice piece no doubt but it's not as good as SS Jabba set up.
jlcmsu said:I don't think anyone here is doing any of that! I think people are just voicing their opinions that they feel GG is just come up short. It's a nice piece no doubt but it's not as good as SS Jabba set up.
DouglasMcc said:I am starting to see something. I will call it the Sideshow Effect. Before I begin, let me say, I am not discounting SSC Jabba. It really is a great figure. But, many of you seem to be seeing the GG piece through crap encrusted goggles.
Why can't they trash it? It's their opinion, and just because it isn't the same as yours doesn't mean they're seeing the world through "Sideshow Fanboy" colored glasses. I'm getting a little tired of that accusation being thrown about everytime people don't fall all over something from another company.DouglasMcc said:I am starting to see something. I will call it the Sideshow Effect. Before I begin, let me say, I am not discounting SSC Jabba. It really is a great figure. But, many of you seem to be seeing the GG piece through crap encrusted goggles. Not sure if you are peeved that GG is releasing him so soon in tandem with SSC or you are trying to rationalize reason's for not buying it. But anyone who discounts GG's Jabba as above is not being fair. I can accept that SSC Jabba, in many of your eyes is better. I respect that. However, if you are going to go around spouting about how horrible GG piece is, I just don't believe you are evaluating the piece fairly. If you think the SSC is the best, then more power to ya. However, don't trash the GG just to feel better about your purchase.
Don't forget all the other companies Fanboys who trash the SS.TheObsoleteMan said:Why can't they trash it? It's their opinion, and just because it isn't the same as yours doesn't mean they're seeing the world through "Sideshow Fanboy" colored glasses. I'm getting a little tired of that accusation being thrown about everytime people don't fall all over something from another company.
DouglasMcc said:Sorry JL, I respect you ... and I am sure we will agree on many more things Star Wars in the future. However, you and Maul are prime offenders ( j/k). Once again you supposedly compliment the piece and then trash it in the same sentence. I for one see it different:
DouglasMcc said:Sideshow's Jabba sculpt is a little better than Gentle Giant's sculpt. I like the coloring more on GG (more film accurate), but I like the iconic pose ability of the Sideshow.
DouglasMcc said:Gentle Giant's throne is better in my opinion due to proper size ratio with Jabba and the inclusion of Oola and Jawa (and don't bring up Sal, he is sold separately, but so is the SSC version. I don't see anyone spending the money for GG Jabba without the band too). Sorry, but SSC lost a few pegs on the amazing scale in my eyes when I realized the throne is about 15 to 20 percent too small for the scale of the Jabba. It still looks amazing though.
MaulFan said:You know, I would say the same of you and your unending stance that GG is the better and more film accurrate representation.
TheObsoleteMan said:Why can't they trash it? It's their opinion, and just because it isn't the same as yours doesn't mean they're seeing the world through "Sideshow Fanboy" colored glasses. I'm getting a little tired of that accusation being thrown about everytime people don't fall all over something from another company.
MaulFan said:And not to mention, I wouldn't say that I'm a Sideshow fanbody or anything, but it a SIDESHOW FORUM!!!
mfoga said:Don't forget all the other companies Fanboys who trash the SS.
MaulFan said:You know, I would say the same of you and your unending stance that GG is the better and more film accurrate representation. I personally could care less the GG is making the same thing as SSC, I treat each line differently with expectations based on what else I've seen and owned from that manufacturer. Bottom line for me, even if SSC didn't make Jabba, I would feel the same way I do about this statue, Oola is great, the Jawa looks great, the throne and Jabba have nice detail work in them, but as far as being totally true to the film appearance, I think the throne is off and Jabba is off
wookilar8 said:Always two there are, a master and an apprentice. You decide which is which.
jlcmsu said:I don't feel I'm trashing the GG piece. I just don't think it's as nice as the SS piece.
The coloring I thought compairing to the film is actually off on the GG piece. Specifically his belly area which is way too dark and his right arm which just look odd.
If it's off a little in scale I'm actually ok with it because this will make it easier to display. The GG piece is smaller overall is it not? Oola doesn't mean anything to me as far as being on the throne. Because she was dancing in the movie and not just setting there.
DouglasMcc said:This will be the last comment about this specific topic as I see the path we are set upon. My comments are to clarify:
If you read my comments, you would see I found faults in both pieces. I also added the j/k - joke symbol to show it was in fun ... guess you didn't take it that way. I won't bother to restate my opinion, its above. But I did say that I thought both pieces were on the same level. Only thing the GG has over SS is the value/ display to money spent aspect. So, if I couldn't afford both, I would go with GG. Otherwise they are both definite buys.
The main reason I used you for my Sideshow Effect comment (and please don't use that Fanboy term ... it makes all of us look like pre-teens yelling about game machines), is related to your comments about SSC being screen accurate as if it was perfect and GG isn't even close. Sorry, but I think its obvious GG is more scene accurate ... notice I said screen accurate, not better, best, supercalifragilisticespalidosuous or any other descriptive terms you want to throw in there. You can say SSC is better. That's a completely subjective comment and dictated by personal opinion where no one is wrong. However, screen accuracy is simple analysis and GG wins.
Throne too small (best estimate - 10 to 15%)
Jabba's color is too light
Skin is not dirty enough
Oola and Jawa add bonus points to SA even if Oola is looking the other direction
That's not meant to say GG is perfect, just more accurate that SSC.
Please enlighten me on what makes the Gentle Giant piece not screen accurate. I would ask you be specific, as "it looks off" really doesn't tell me anything I can use to analyze the piece for myself.
jlcmsu said:
DouglasMcc said:Let me preface this JL by saying this is meant more for discussion than personal attack. However, how can you look at that movie still above and tell me that the belly is way too dark? Its actually slightly lighter on the GG. As for the SSC, that Jabba looks like he recently took a bath and got a tan .. its that light. Now, I still love the SSC figure, but the coloring on the GG is more film accurate ... sorry, that not something that can be disputed ... its photographic evidence.
DouglasMcc said:Sorry, but that picture actually makes the coloring on the GG belly look even better. SSC belly is way too light and there is not enough fold detail in the stomach area (although I am sure this is due to the hollow vinyl nature of him and I can live with it).
MaulFan said:I notice you say screen accurate and a beautiful naked woman with 100 billion dollars on her all for me couldn't change my mind that SSC is more screen accurate, from the physical structure and sculpting of Jabba's body to the dimensions of the throne, GG just doesn't seem on target to me. It looks to small in height, the length looks too big, can't really judge depth from the photo, the Jabba taile from his right arm on looks misproportioned to the size of the body they made, his right arm is sculpted almost humanoid looking instead of fat sluglike.
MaulFan said:And as to your unending statement that GG is more screen accurrate, I really don't know how, even using the screen image shown in this thread, that you can feel that, even with the final production image, I think you are blinded by some fuzzy GG glasses to use your own style of commenting.
mfoga said:Im sorry or is it just me , you can't compare apples to oranges. They are made to be completely different. One is a figure which can be setup however you like and with whoever you like. The other is a statue which is designed to capture one exact moment in time. Also you can't compare well lit studio type photos to a film capture of a dark and dingy sceen.
MaulFan said:HOW can anyone think this
is the more screen accurrate piece to this
If you look carefully enough at the screen image, Jabba's tail works from the point to his body at a fairly large angle, where the GG piece looks like a flat tail/body much like the Hasbro Ultra Jabba,
MaulFan said:but SSC captured that, the throne in the screen shot looks pretty small and quite thick from bottom to top where the GG, either by design or thrown off by the length, looks too thin, the GG throne looks smoother where the SSC looks to have more texture like the film, I can't really tell from the image but it looks like SS is more accurrate where the railing meets the pipe bowl.
MaulFan said:All around, I think SSC did a much better job at capturing it all in film accuracy.
Now I just want to say, the GG statue is an okay piece and if I had the money for it I would probably get it in addition to the Sideshow Jabba because I like cool Jabba collectibles, but if someone is going to open up discussion about film accurracy I am going to stand up for my point.