George is at it again

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Darth Loki

Super Freak
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
Well for all those who are planning on getting the origanal OT, get ready to drop even more money into your SW DVD collection.

" Also today... a follow-up on something we've been telling you to expect for quite while now. 2007, as you may well be aware, is the 30th anniversary of the original Star Wars' debut in theaters. You'd have to be stupid not to know that Lucasfilm is going to have big DVD release plans with which to celebrate the anniversary, and we've been telling you that was the case for many months now. Indeed, during our last visit to the Ranch for the DVD release of Episode III, producer Rick McCallum confirmed that a box set of all six films was going to happen eventually, and animation director Rob Coleman even let it slip that the puppet Yoda from Episode I had already been replaced with a new CG Yoda to match Episodes II & III for the "future" release. T-Bone over at Star Wars Universe recently speculated about this box set, and we've been quietly checking in with our industry sources on it as well. Well, we've confirmed it: There IS a big, ultimate, 6-film Star Wars anniversary DVD box set planned for 2007. There will be more changes to the films, and there will be LOTS of new, never-before-seen special features - all the good stuff that was held back by Lucasfilm from the original Trilogy DVD release a few years ago. Think deleted scenes and more. We don't know if good, genuinely-REMASTERED versions of the original theatrical editions of the films will be included or not (though how you could call the set "ultimate" without them, we don't know). We don't expect high-definition versions yet, as those formats are just too new. We don't have ANY other details for you yet, so please don't ask. But as you consider whether or not to purchase the "limited edition" DVDs due on 9/12... we thought you should know that more IS absolutely on the way next year. 'Nuff said for now.

As always, please keep in mind that titles discussed here are tentative and are subject to change until officially announced by the studios.

Stay tuned..."
madden821 said:
Great.. even more changes to the OT... I can skip it.
It seems the Star Wars films have become perpetual works in progress. He'll probably keep changing them til the day he dies.
sounds like the changes are to the PT, and may include all those deleted scenes from the OT. I just might buy this set. It'll be worth it just to get rid of that awful puppet Yoda in PM.
I'm sure everyone knew the 6-set was coming but hopefully we'll get what we deserve (deleted scenes, documentaries, cast commentary, etc.) Also I'm not at all surprised that even more new scenes will be added, it seems that George will continue adding onto these fims until the day he dies. Personally I just don't get it...does he think technology is ever going to stop? Of course technology is going to get better but that doesn't mean you need to add new scenes every couple of years to your films. The original trilogy was already perfect, that's why millions of people fell in love with SW to begin with. When will George see this?
Magic Giraffe said:
I'm sure everyone knew the 6-set was coming but hopefully we'll get what we deserve (deleted scenes, documentaries, cast commentary, etc.) Also I'm not at all surprised that even more new scenes will be added, it seems that George will continue adding onto these fims until the day he dies. Personally I just don't get it...does he think technology is ever going to stop? Of course technology is going to get better but that doesn't mean you need to add new scenes every couple of years to your films. The original trilogy was already perfect, that's why millions of people fell in love with SW to begin with. When will George see this?

Thats exactly why I'm not getting the 2007 ones... I grew up with Star Wars and the unaltered original trillogy movies are what I remember and what I want to see. I all ready have all the OT deleted scenes on dvd and I have NO interest in seeing changes in the PT.
Lucas just happens to be one of those artists who believe that art is never finished, only abandoned.

I don't care for the constant tweaking, either. But this is his work and his prerogative. Plus, I'll live either way.
It sounds like the deleted scenes part is for the OT. Dammit, I may have to break down and buy this :monkey4 :monkey4 :monkey4
I'll get it. I haven't bought thePTon DVD just because Iknew something was coming out like this. I got no problem with tweaking, as long asI have access to the original. I like some of the Special Edition additions, the space battles especially NOTE: I did not say I like them MORE than the originals, I do like them however. I like the end of ROTJ both SE and original (celebration), Ilike the Special Edition Bespin alot, but I HATE ANH Jabba though, yikes!

Point is, I like them both, I'll be gladto havea full 6 movie set though finally.
TheObsoleteMan said:
It seems the Star Wars films have become perpetual works in progress. He'll probably keep changing them til the day he dies.

Of course he will. Its his legacy, his empire, his cash cow.

And you will buy them all. :D
Wor-Gar said:
Of course he will. Its his legacy, his empire, his cash cow.

And you will buy them all. :D

But what I don't understand is these movies make him millions a year just in merchandise and liscence fees. It's not like he needs the money. Why keep altering something that was loved and belove by millions the first time? And if you're going to change something, get rid of Jar-Jar for Christ's sake!
Darth Loki said:
And if you're going to change something, get rid of Jar-Jar for Christ's sake!

Maybe he can CGI over Jar Jar like he's doing with Yoda...with a whole new character...DIFFERENT ALIEN SPECIES...and a new voice with different lines!
Instead of all these re-edits, I wish he would make a film that covered the time period between ROTS and ANH...and with TONS of Vader screen time. Ah yes...with James Earl Jones' voice, dominating the entire galaxy, system by system!
JustinLuck said:
Maybe he can CGI over Jar Jar like he's doing with Yoda...with a whole new character...DIFFERENT ALIEN SPECIES...and a new voice with different lines!

Now I would buy that version.
JustinLuck said:
Instead of all these re-edits, I wish he would make a film that covered the time period between ROTS and ANH...and with TONS of Vader screen time. Ah yes...with James Earl Jones' voice, dominating the entire galaxy, system by system!

I guess you don't know about the 100 episode TV series that is in the works. Don't know too many details other than it's supposed to cover those years. I wouldn't expect too much Vader though.
JustinLuck said:
Maybe he can CGI over Jar Jar like he's doing with Yoda...with a whole new character...DIFFERENT ALIEN SPECIES...and a new voice with different lines!

That's one change I wouldn't complain about. :lol
JustinLuck said:
Maybe he can CGI over Jar Jar like he's doing with Yoda...with a whole new character...DIFFERENT ALIEN SPECIES...and a new voice with different lines!

And still someone somewhere would be outraged over the new Jar Jar change.
