Yeah, that's what I thought. I ordered two, thinking I could display one with head and one with helmet, and if times got tough, I could trade one of the two down the line for something else in the GG MB line. But it looks like I might have a really hard time giving them away at this point...
I think this just has to do with the release comming at a very bad time. It's the end of the year, people are on a tight budget recovering from xmas and new years, not to mention the flurry of product that will arrive in the 1st Q of 07
I think the timing was bad and a lot of people who would normally get it had to skip this one. But doesn't that mean that when it ships later this year and pictures start getting posted, those that skipped it will regret their decision?
I haven't been around the boards much lately with a busy schedule, and I just saw this. I can't believe it's still around. Might have passed if it was just a color variant, but I like the Jango display option.