Ghostbusters: The Video Game June 2009

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June 20th is the official release date for Ghostbusters in the states the 19th for Europe.
June 20th is the official release date for Ghostbusters in the states the 19th for Europe.

I can live with that. Summer is usually pretty slow for game releases. A good 3 months after RE:5.

I hope this game lives up to my expectations as it could be a blast with 4 players.
Looks like the information I got this morning was wrong.

June 16th North America

June 19th Europe
Looks good I need to get around to pre ordering this.

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With the GB action figures coming, GB movie in BR and the video game, is a great 25th anniversary celebration all year long!!
I'm excited for this game... maybe I'llfinally get a PS3!!
Thats just the Nintend Wii version, they did that because it doesn't have the same graphic capabilities as PS3 360 or PC.
i was about to suggest the same thing. it wouldn't make sense to have all those awesome looking previews only to trick us with the "anime" style graphics. anyone know if there is gonna be any special items with the LE version??
I was really excited about this one... until I played the game at NYCC.
All 3 versions were at CC. The Wii one was a joke, terrible graphics and play control. The Xbox and PS3 versions looked and played almost identically. I played a library level, you get to destroy a bunch of stuff - furniture, books, etc - leaving scorch marks behind and accruing as much damage as possible, sending the bill to Peck at the end of the level, spot an invisible ghost with the PKE & goggles, & blast zigzag bounding demon dogs and other minor minions. Bigger ghosts like the pink slimers have to be wrangled and trapped. You have unlimited traps and don't have to collect them after you trap a ghost. Crossing the streams doesn't do anything unless at scripted moments. The AI of the GB crew was ok, but toned down as apparently they were too good on the earlier builds. Didn't get any word if there would be online 4 player squad co-op and vs ala Left 4 Dead - a real shame if it's not included. On the roof, at the end of the demo, you "lose sight of Stay Puft", which I thought funny as it would be difficult, but immediately he popped up at the edge of the building and we blasted him a few times.

It was fun and cool to hear the GB voices, but the game wasn't that impressive in either gameplay or graphics. There were a couple cool new weapons including a shotgun type blast which triggered an animation of the red lights on the Proton pack extending like rods, spinning, then retracting and "reloading". There was one glitch where I saw a ghost get hung up and stuck unable to be sucked into a trap. It just didn't seem polished enough. Wish this had been developed by Valve. I'll probably get this just for the nostalgia factor, involvement of the 4 actors, and that it may be the closest we ever get to a GB3, but, depending on the reviews, I don't think I'll be willing to pay full price for this one.
Oh well...
I'm not a hardcore gamer, I'm still on PS2, and I enjoy games like Prince of Persia, God of War, Tenchu, specially because me and my wife play them together!
So, I'm thinking this should be a good one for me to play anyways!
Thanks for the heads up!
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The Wii one was a joke, terrible graphics and play control.

That's disappointing to hear. The Wii version was the one I was looking forward to the most. You would think the Wii-Mote as a proton gun plus co-op with friends would make this a fantastic game. If nothing else, a fun supplement to the PS3/360 version.
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I'm sold, officially saving up for a 360 now.

Hate to say it, but collectibles gotta take a backseat while I save up for a 360 and this game. Sorry Sideshow!
HAH This is great:
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