GI Joe ReAction Figures

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Ham and Egger
CF Supporter
Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
I didn't see a thread for this. I just got the snake eyes and cobra commander ReAction + figures. I like them both. They feel good in hand, though slightly cheap in relation to the original figures. I really like how easily and well the accessories fit in their hands. Of course the posing is great. And on balance I really like their designs. Of course snake eyes could use bigger legs and my commander has minor silver paint slop around his faceplate. But I'm happy with these and look forward to the future of this line though paintwise I hope future waves look more like the regular reaction figures in production and less like the crimson twins and Duke.

Glad you like em. I'm not a fan. In your pic, the OGs are superior in every single way. The SE just looks odd and stiff. CoCo looks good, but he looks to .... perfect? There are no wrinkles or folds like the original.

I do plan on getting Ramar and Fatal Fluffy if I can find em. The odd ball never produced figures are the ones that would interest me.
Glad you like em. I'm not a fan. In your pic, the OGs are superior in every single way. The SE just looks odd and stiff. CoCo looks good, but he looks to .... perfect? There are no wrinkles or folds like the original.

I do plan on getting Ramar and Fatal Fluffy if I can find em. The odd ball never produced figures are the ones that would interest me.
I hear you. But I'm glad to get new versions of old favorites in this style. Hasbro seemed to treat the o ring revival as an afterthought. Mostly straight repaints that were far inferior to the originals. Nothing will ever replace the OGs but I am happy to have something new. Particularly if we get more cartoon style looks of the 84 and 85 Joe's.
I hear you. But I'm glad to get new versions of old favorites in this style. Hasbro seemed to treat the o ring revival as an afterthought. Mostly straight repaints that were far inferior to the originals. Nothing will ever replace the OGs but I am happy to have something new. Particularly if we get more cartoon style looks of the 84 and 85 Joe's.
I would love a Sunbow O-ring cartoon Quick Kick. Seems like this will be the last chance to get him since the Ultimates took a nose dive.

Also would like cartoon Destro, Snowjob, Rocknroll, Zartan w swamp skier, dreadknocks....Cold Slither set (I can see that being SDCC Exclusive)

I really could care less for a Honda Lou chick for Roadblock to bang and all the other "odd ball" choices by fans that some are making from the cartoon.
I would love a Sunbow O-ring cartoon Quick Kick. Seems like this will be the last chance to get him since the Ultimates took a nose dive.

Also would like cartoon Destro, Snowjob, Rocknroll, Zartan w swamp skier, dreadknocks....Cold Slither set (I can see that being SDCC Exclusive)

I really could care less for a Honda Lou chick for Roadblock to bang and all the other "odd ball" choices by fans that some are making from the cartoon.
Yeah, the cartoon and toys about equally drive my nostalgia, but since the vintage toys already exist, I'm primarily looking for cartoon styles for the new figures I buy. But I have no real interest in those random characters from the cartoon like the Fatal Fluffies, the barbarian dude, or Honda Lou. Almost any regular Joe or Cobra character would have my interest, though. And I would even be into something like Cold Slither, as they have become iconic in their way, but let's please get the regular versions of those guys out first. I only have two regular ReAction figures. One is Zartan, and while I don't care for the lack of articulation, that is a great looking figure, and if they did an O-ring version like that, and if the production quality is great, that could be one of the top figures in my whole collection. Add Swamp Skiier and a vintage styled packaging in the box and I would be in heaven.
Yeah, the cartoon and toys about equally drive my nostalgia, but since the vintage toys already exist, I'm primarily looking for cartoon styles for the new figures I buy. But I have no real interest in those random characters from the cartoon like the Fatal Fluffies, the barbarian dude, or Honda Lou. Almost any regular Joe or Cobra character would have my interest, though. And I would even be into something like Cold Slither, as they have become iconic in their way, but let's please get the regular versions of those guys out first. I only have two regular ReAction figures. One is Zartan, and while I don't care for the lack of articulation, that is a great looking figure, and if they did an O-ring version like that, and if the production quality is great, that could be one of the top figures in my whole collection. Add Swamp Skiier and a vintage styled packaging in the box and I would be in heaven.
Reaction Zartan is definately great.

I always wanted a RAMAR figure as a kid, so I welcome that odd ball piece. The Fluffy's getting made make sense. I would of gotten them too as a kid.

I just don't want some random nobody's (like a Honda Lou) showing up and cluttering the retail shelves like lady J :)

Definately on board for Cartoon. Just not sure where Super7 plans on going as they said they didn't want do characters that were made in the original 80's line.(guessing toy versions and not the cartoon)
I got Duke today and really like him. Looking forward to more. Though the recent toy fair announcements were a mixed bag but generally good news. I'll probably get them all. Cold slither zartan, arctic cobra commander (jacket bottom is molded to his legs that doesn't work too well), cartoon visor snake eyes and cartoon Wild Bill.


They are also doing universal monsters and back to the future reaction plus figures which is cool.
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