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Wow, just an amazing representation of the character -- I really like the Bradstreet feel to it, personally. The mask does look cloth, so any guesses as to whether we'll have a face beneath ala Nazi Kroenen? I hope they go the Hama route if so, as in seriously damaged, not the Devil's Due one or two slight scars on a Brad Pitt-like face ;p

Yeah, he should look like a disfigured freak under that hood.The tragedy of this character is awesome.

heres what Hama made him look like..

I think that pic is from the late 80's when Snake Eyes had plastic surgery to get a new face--and then promptly had it deformed again in battle. :lol The original Snake Eyes face mangling was due to being charred by the exhaust of a helicopter in Viet Nam, IIRC.
I was disappointed w/ the original license announcement (only 12", no PF) but I must say this looks good. I'll be buying this line.
I can't for this one, SSC really looks to have knocked it out of the park. As for JOES, the only ones I'm looking for are Snake Eyes, possibly Duke and if they make Scarlett look as good as they've done with Lara Croft, she is definitely on the list as well but my list of Cobra characters is a mile long....
Much more of a Cobra fan. I like Duke, Hawk, Flint, Shipwreck, etc but thsoe purchases will depend on look, they aren't locks. The Cobras though? Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, Storm Shadow, Zartan, Serpentor, not to mention all the various soldiers.....charge my card already.
I see where The Mike is going. The Joes seem like they will be the most difficult to pull off.

But I'm in for all of them... what the hell.
Much more of a Cobra fan. I like Duke, Hawk, Flint, Shipwreck, etc but thsoe purchases will depend on look, they aren't locks. The Cobras though? Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness, Storm Shadow, Zartan, Serpentor, not to mention all the various soldiers.....charge my card already.

AGAIN, no love for Major Bludd.... Wassup wit dat?

After Destro and Cobra Commander he's my third most wanted.
I for one will be getting way more Cobra figures than Joe. There is a good chance that Snake Eyes may be the only Joe figure I get. Unless Sideshow does something really impressive with the Joe figures, its gonna be 99% Cobra for me.
I have a feeling the face characters will be surprsingly good. At first I wasn't sure where they'd get their source mateial from, but looking at the card backs the other day, they should provide for good likenesses. Spirit has always been my favorite. Can't wait to see more!
I don't think there will be any problems with likenesses.

I don't think it's that there will be a problem, I just questioned what they would use for resource material since comics and cartoons at that time didn't provide a great deal of facial detail. The artwork on the cardsbacks of the 3 3/4-inch figures, however, has a ton of detail and should be a good resource to draw from. In reality, Snakeyes is an easy first character since he's masked. It's when we get to the Dukes, Baronesses and Scarlets that we know if they're being true to the original ARAH.
We (pretty much) know that Cobra Commander will be the next figure announced. And he's an obvious choice even if the info wasn't leaked out prematurely. I wonder who the third character will be. SS indicated that "more" figures would be revealed at SDCC, implying two or more. I wonder who the front runner will be after Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander.

As I've said before I hope its a Cobra "trooper" character (either Trooper, Officer, or Crimson Guard) but I'm dying to know what so many other characters are going to look like.