Firefly Flanatic
Super Freak
I'm also in my 40's but I'm old enough now to not give a sh*t what anyone thinks if they come to my house and see my dollies!! As long as they don't touch them ('cause then I'd have to beat them silly)!

Ironman1188 said:No offense, but we've heard lots of "the lines not dead" talk for lines now...well, dead. Giles is coming, Giles will be coming. Its starting to rank up there with "the checks in the mail" and "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you".
Empty promises are like an empty wallet, they both look better filled.
FrankenFan said:I know you're being facetious, Dave, but I couldn't agree more! I'd much prefer Anyanka, Dark Willow, Turok-Han, The Primitive, Primeval and Wishverse Buffy, etc., over Giles.
FrankenFan said:I know you're being facetious, Dave, but I couldn't agree more! I'd much prefer Anyanka, Dark Willow, Turok-Han, The Primitive, Primeval and Wishverse Buffy, etc., over Giles.