Give us Wesley, please Sideshow!

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Ironman1188 said:
But a character more essential to the storyline and character development of the show than a Salacious Crumb or Endor scout to $tar War$.
Without Doyle, Cordelia would never have become the character she did.

Totally true Ironman! I must admit, however, that I don't see any hope of getting a Doyle. A Wesley is still a strong possibility, I hope, as is Fred /Illyria, but Doyle and Gunn will be very, very lucky to see the light of day!

At least with POTA and Buffy/Angel, we are still on the Sideshow homepage Ironman...guess we've not done a "medieval f'n Kurgan" and killed the lines........... yet!!!:D
I was talking more about likeness rights than importance. Has a figure of Doyle been made in the smaller scale line?
Likeness rights mean nothing. They use the excuse of not obtaining them as a reason not to give us paricular characters. They supposedly [in their 2nd story] didn't have Franciscus' rights but Brent was too important a character not to be made. So, character importance must count for something. Unless your a Highlander character [ie: Ramirez, Medieval Kurgan]
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All this talk of essential characters kind of got me thinking about who has been made so far. 14 characters in various incarnations (4 Buffys, 4 Angels, 3 Spikes, 2 Willows) but Tara was there for three seasons as a major character, as were Dawn and Anya and i would like to think they could each sell 500.
Anzik Hayes said:
but Tara was there for three seasons as a major character, as were Dawn and Anya and i would like to think they could each sell 500.
That's the problem, they probably could only sell 500, if that. Will Sideshow want to spend the time and resources on unique headsculpts and costumes for figures that might, might, sell 500 units? I think Giles was the Walter Skinner of the Buffy line, that last hurrah that they felt they owed the fans. I'll be surprised to see anything else from the Buffy line except maybe an Angel PF.

It would be nice if Sideshow gave us some kind of info on the future of the Buffy/Angel lines instead of leaving us groping in the dark, but I guess it's not Star Wars so we don't deserve any.
TheObsoleteMan said:
That's the problem, they probably could only sell 500, if that. Will Sideshow want to spend the time and resources on unique headsculpts and costumes for figures that might, might, sell 500 units? I think Giles was the Walter Skinner of the Buffy line, that last hurrah that they felt they owed the fans. I'll be surprised to see anything else from the Buffy line

But, Wesley should be made under the Angel license, not Buffy's. And why have an Angel license if you'only going to make 2 figures?
Ironman1188 said:
And why have an Angel license if you'only going to make 2 figures?
I hate to keep pointing her out, but look at Cordy still sitting there. That's a major character, highly requested, and she can't even move 1500 units. Lorne is about to ship, and there's nothing announced after him. I'm sure the Angel license was pretty cheap for SSC to acquire, it's not like there's a bunch of other companies out there banging down the doors to make 12" Angel figures. If they sell well, great, but if they don't, it's not really a huge blow to Sideshow to just cut the line loose. It's all about the money in the end, and if the figures aren't moving the way SSC wants them to, they'll stop making them.

I think folks who are used to the Buffy line having a steady stream of releases and being a centerpiece of Sideshow's offerings don't realize just how far down the foodchain that line has fallen, and Angel was never a high profile line for Sideshow to begin with. I hope I'm just being a Chicken Little here and that both lines still have some life in them, but that sky does look like it's getting awfully close.
I think Sideshow kind of POTA'd the Buffy/Angel thing. Buffy's, Willow's, Spike's, but no Cordy. No Giles until how many years in? You can't make people wait and wait and wait and expect them to hang in, watch their lines slow almost to a stop if not a screeching halt, and clamor about when something finally does come. Cordy was asked for for a long while then showed up with a Thanksgiving float for a head [ok, its not that big, but you get the idea]
TheObsoleteMan said:
That's the problem, they probably could only sell 500, if that. Will Sideshow want to spend the time and resources on unique headsculpts and costumes for figures that might, might, sell 500 units? I think Giles was the Walter Skinner of the Buffy line, that last hurrah that they felt they owed the fans. I'll be surprised to see anything else from the Buffy line except maybe an Angel PF.

It would be nice if Sideshow gave us some kind of info on the future of the Buffy/Angel lines instead of leaving us groping in the dark, but I guess it's not Star Wars so we don't deserve any.

Here's hoping they do make a PF Angel. It'd be stupid if they didn't
Ironman1188 said:
I think Sideshow kind of POTA'd the Buffy/Angel thing. Buffy's, Willow's, Spike's, but no Cordy. No Giles until how many years in? You can't make people wait and wait and wait and expect them to hang in, watch their lines slow almost to a stop if not a screeching halt, and clamor about when something finally does come. Cordy was asked for for a long while then showed up with a Thanksgiving float for a head [ok, its not that big, but you get the idea]
Yeah, there were definitely some questionable character choices. Taking so long to produce a Giles figure was a huuuge mistake, it gave fans the impression that Sideshow wasn't commited to doing the entire main cast, which they in fact still haven't. The poor quality of Willow and Faith were also a big blow.
I would like to see a good repaint of the Willow head. I think there is alot of Alyson Hannigan in there but the eye color is off and the pupil should be larger.
The Faith sculpt looks nothing at all like Eliza Dushku, so I don't think even the best repaint will help that one.
I also wonder if SSC has done any advertising towards the Buffy audience, for example, I wonder how much it would have cost to put little pictures of the figures inside the DVD boxes.
I'd be happy with one or maybe two 1/6 from this line each year.

One BTVS, One Angel.

Angel -

Det. Lockley

Buffy -

Principal Snyder
Shai Hulud said:
Wesley who?

I'm pretty sure they are talking about this guy Shai:D