Well I for one will give it a shot. If it's a joke, ha ha! I got "fooled." If not, well, then we've all been fooled!
The tradition of April Fool's originated in Europe sometime in the late Medieval period, although it has been notoriously difficult to ascertain the actual beginnings of the holiday. It is distinguished for the hoaxes, pranks, and jokes which people play on one another in order to see who is the most gullible, the most ignorant, and the most easy to fool (see 'Captain Faramir').
So why do we still go through this? Perpetuating one prank after another only to be hoaxed ourselves by our obnoxious co-worker who always has to have the last laugh (usually because we're always laughing at him)? What is this unstoppable drive which leads us to lie to our friends and light things on fire just to make the smoke alarm go off? Why do we call our loved ones with the tragic news of our dog's passing just so we can laugh as we watch them weep?
Easy. It's because they're so gullible! The morons, ha ha! It's not our fault that they believe anything you can say with a straight face! Why should we care when they didn't even bother to check their calenders anyway! Let them feel the embarassment, the guilt, the shame! Let them weep! HA HA HA HA!!!
wait a minute, getting a call . . .
My friend just told me April Fool's isn't until tomorrow. Wow, really? Dang. Well, tomorrow I'll show them all, and they'll regret ever laughing at me! HA! Just you wait until it's really April Fool's, fools! HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!