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Scott: Should we research if people really rode Rhinos into battle?
Hollywood Historical Consultant: Found it! 🤓

Scott: That's good enough for me!
Last edited:
Scott: Should we research if people really rode Rhinos into battle?
Historical Consultant: Found it! 🤓

Scott: That's good enough for me!

As long as this kind of thing gets skipped, I'm good with some CGI rhinos. It didn't slow down Black Panther. Rap music in a historical drama might cause me to hurl the popcorn tho. :monkey3 :stake
Classically trained poets and writers at the time would have been exposed to a few sources that painted ancient Romans as just the sort of people who would vomit just to eat more. One source was Seneca, the Stoic who lived from 4 B.C. to A.D. 65 and who gave the impression that Romans were an emetic bunch. In one passage, he wrote of slaves cleaning up the vomit of drunks at banquets, and in his Letter to Helvia, he summarized the vomitorium idea succinctly but metaphorically, referring to what he saw as the excesses of Rome: "They vomit so they may eat, and eat so that they may vomit."
seriously why are they making a rap album for this movie 😂. Cause Denzel is in it? Wow