Yeah, that ones a little strange too with the weird hippie music cut aways and all. I enjoy the full body of Godzilla movies, but over that body, I find there to be highs and lows. It started out very high, dropped a little with Godzilla Raids Again and King Kong vs. Godzilla, but vs. Mothra, Ghidrah, and Monster Zero were some of the best G vs. films, then they start to slope into a more silly realm with Son of and Hedorahs, then ramping up again with both Mechagodizilla films and peaking again with G '85 and then Biollante, Ghidrah '91 and Mothra '92 were pretty solid, then Mechagodzilla 93' and Spacgodzilla got a little cheesy with some of the Junior stuff. Destroyah was a pretty good way to end Godzilla's reign, the first time

. The meltdown scene, visually and musically is very moving, watching our beloved monster melt away, and then that awesome backlit shot of Jr. irradiated into a full adult to close. All of the 2000 on movies had a pretty hefty ammount of 60's cheese to them, but they were fun and some cool G suits.
I will say, Final Wars, especially as possibly Toho's last ever Godzilla, is a bit of a train wreck, very cheesy story and too little Godzilla himself and the rushed battles fighting ever monster he ever faced over the 50 years didn't quite work. it was trying to be like when a long running TV show goes off air and has a clip show, but it didn't work quite well. It's like if the Rocky series ended with Rocky 5, Godzilla needs its Rocky Balboa to end on a high note

The Final Wars suit for Godzilla is pretty cool though.