Godzilla Collectibles Thread

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Exciting day for me, I didn't win the Instagram contest for an 18" Kong, but I took a trip to Walmart on lunch break and score, awesome figure, wasn't ready for his size from photos, but a great buy for $25.

On top of that, my 11" Bandai MKS Shin Godzilla has arrived at last. To my surprise, he's a very hefty vinyl, picking him up almost feels like holding a resin statue, doesn't feel like vinyl at all. As a stock figure, if I had one complaint, it'd be the subdued paint. While it has red in more spots than the MMS, it's fainter so he almost looks totally black. Definitely excited to work on repainting him, will probably start tonight.
Yeah he is, makes me wanna hunt down JAKKS Godzilla, feels wrong having an 18" King Kong when my biggest Godzilla is 12".
Not to be "trolling," but these new Kong figures are so awful, especially when compared to the Mezco Kongs. I was really hoping the new figures might be great....sweet Neptune was I wrong. Maybe something will be offered by a better company later??

Finally found the Kong at WallyWorld!

For a $25 kid's toy, it's incredible. Brings back memories of my old MTC Kong playset. Going to eventually get a second one for a repaint.

I had three Mez Kong figures, and all of them broke at the shoulders with minimal reposing, so don't get all sentimental for that overpriced POS.

This is the Kong figure we should have gotten from Mego in '76.
Mezco made figures for collectors, Lanard is not, Lanard's equivalent would be the Playmates toys from 2005. For $25, Lanard is a great deal and despite being basic plastic and simple paint, the sculpt is actually pretty accurate to the movie where Playmates were way off.

This is what Lanard had to best.


I'm sure collector products will come too.
No offense but can we keep Kong collectibles in a Kong collectibles thread?

None taken....didn't see one. :slap I did a search but nothing came up for me. I figured this was close enough.

But to quickly tag on, while the previous mass market Kongs were not good either, that doesn't make up for the ridiculous figures I'm seeing in these photos, my opinion. The Mezco Kongs have shelf presence and looked like the design. These new Kongs are cutting edge 1983 technology at work. Sorry, but as a lifelong King Kong fan I'm just enormously disappointed. I've shown these pics of the figs to my family and it has gotten nothing but laughs.

I'm off to look for a Kong thread now. :wave
Don't believe there is a Kong thread, and since Legendary has connected Kong and Godzilla in their "Monsterverse", it is logical to discuss Kong in this thread. It is no different than discussing Rodan, Mothra, or any other Toho monster. Just stating my opinion, not trying to start an argument.
Its not like Kong is taking over the thread and he doesn't really have a huge collectible base. I feel like this new kong is more than any before him. Plus a kong thread wouldn't last long. like I said he doesn't really have many collectibles
Yeah, it really is the Kaiju thread, Gamera, Kong, Godzilla, and Kong and Godzilla have crossed over once with another coming so Kong is as fitting here as Mothra or Ghidorah.

On the Godzilla front, the repaint has begun, here are some quick before pics, started the toenails and fingernails earlier, only finished one foot so far but very excited by the results, second one isn't tonight and if I have time, the red will go on too.






Very nice. I love the Shin design, but some of those particular figures don't capture him well.

Here's some shots, finished the toenails, a bit more tedious than I anticipated, but I'm happy with the results, looks sloppy right now, but that's why I'm starting with them, I'm layering over paint that I need to be more sloppy with to get the desired effects. When I paint the red, it'll be cleaner.


Finally found the Kong at WallyWorld!

For a $25 kid's toy, it's incredible. Brings back memories of my old MTC Kong playset. Going to eventually get a second one for a repaint.

I had three Mez Kong figures, and all of them broke at the shoulders with minimal reposing, so don't get all sentimental for that overpriced POS.

This is the Kong figure we should have gotten from Mego in '76.
Do you still have those broken Mezco Kongs...if so would you sell them ?

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