Hello, all! I've been a collector of all things Godzilla for almost two decades, now. Theres a bit of diversity with Gamera and a very small portion of King Kong. But with the big G, there's a srong focus on Trendmasters products. It's gotten a bit expensive now that I've been chasing prototypes and unreleased stuff, but it's still fun.
Also really into video games, collecting old consoles and games, though those are mostly in storage with all the Godzilla glut in my home. Been picking up select First4Figures statues for a few years now, too.
I think I've run across this forum In the past, but a friend on another board recommended I join when he saw a recent WTB post of mine.
Been loving the collection galleries here. I love seeing all the lighting and display methods. I'm very excited to look through all the threads and jump in on some of those discussions.
Also really into video games, collecting old consoles and games, though those are mostly in storage with all the Godzilla glut in my home. Been picking up select First4Figures statues for a few years now, too.
I think I've run across this forum In the past, but a friend on another board recommended I join when he saw a recent WTB post of mine.
Been loving the collection galleries here. I love seeing all the lighting and display methods. I'm very excited to look through all the threads and jump in on some of those discussions.