I thought I caught the DiFabio-Gar virus of entertainment black soul but then I was relieved when I remembered I loved ZSJL and bought BvS remastered![]()
Sounds like you have COVID again - loss of taste is a common symptom.
I thought I caught the DiFabio-Gar virus of entertainment black soul but then I was relieved when I remembered I loved ZSJL and bought BvS remastered![]()
That was just to mess with Buff!
Maybe temporary (famous line from josstice league) lol
View attachment 510247 Tranny Streetwalking Superman?
It's such a bizarre movie, Godzilla shoots a hole to the center of the earth and some people are like "Pretty much what you'd expect..."
Not only did Godzilla laser beam a 3,500+ mile deep hole into the Earth in a matter of minutes, Kong was able to look down and see him at the other end of that 3,500 mile hole, then traverse that distance in a matter of minutes for their showdown in Hong Kong. I?m sure there were numerous times during the script writing process when the writers just said ?f* it.? How did a company secretly construct a multi-trillion dollar Hyperloop to hollow Earth without anyone noticing or a single government intervening? F* it. How did Kong make that gigantic axe? F* it. Why is a monster skull supposed to be a super computer? F* it, it looks cool.
A monkey with a wrench!
Back home from my theatrical viewing, not a lot of time or energy to say too much right now, up with a 4 week old and doing Easter for the other kids, but short and sweet, I loved it, the fights were the sort of thing I would want with the advantages of CGI over suitmation, it was a visual feast, I feel like humans were barely in it and there was heavy monster action, and the nods to 80s action movies were so good. I felt excitement and energy from beginning to end. Treating swimming Godzilla like a shark circling prey was icing for me, so many things they did spoke to various loves for movies that I have.
I fully don?t fully subscribe to that scenario because I feel that a $350 million dollar Hollywood movie should try to elevate the source material and not just throw everything to the wind and go 100% cheese because if that?s the case then ZSJL should have been just like Super Friends!
Wait Josstice League was just like Super Friends lol
I think the problem here is people seemed to think this series was going to be serious or something????
I fully don’t fully subscribe to that scenario because I feel that a $350 million dollar Hollywood movie should try to elevate the source material and not just throw everything to the wind and go 100% cheese because if that’s the case then ZSJL should have been just like Super Friends!
Wait Josstice League was just like Super Friends lol
Maulfan's review should be dropping soon.
Well for starters, I feel that this movie was the most honestly marketed movie in the MonsterVerse.
Think of this entire movie as the oxygen tank blow up ending to JAWS. Do these things make any sense? Could they really happen? Not a chance in hell. Was it extremely satisfying and entertaining to see? Absolutely.
So you loved it then. Good.
Personally, even my brief love affaire with these monsters a long time ago (before Star Wars), I never liked Kong much and felt he never fit into Godzilla's world. It was a weird American thing brought in. Not as bad as giant Japanese Frankenstein... but weird all the same.
I had higher hopes with Ghidorah's movie. Oh well. For me, so far, Skull Island has been the most entertaining of the bunch. I have not seen GvK yet though.
If they truly want a dumb monsterverse movie that is monstrously entertaining, then they need to remake a version of Destroy All Monsters. There is nothing like seeing 10 or 12 monsters on the screen and have them wreck havoc across the globe at every major city... and then having them battle Ghidorah and a couple extra villains for fun.
Lies.. LIES!!!! You need to take all of this back... Everything in JAWS is realistic and could happen.
The story in GvK is a lot dumber then Kong SI.
There's a story in Skull Island? I thought they just got shipwrecked on a mysterious island... and the girl only had a tank top to wear.
And the suspense came from whether that tank could survive all the running and falling without tearing or something slipping out. It was riveting.
I normally agree with this. I mean why does a Godzilla movie have to be dumbed down.
But then again when treated intelligently we end up with Shin and that was rather boring.
For me I was able to soak in the eye candy. Its not like KOTM or 2014 had these great plots in which to compare.
This one said.. Lets get rid of all human Drama.. Lets make one of the monsters the protagonist, and lets just push the plot forward on getting these two to fight.
This is basically a kids movie and I love it for that.
I actually want to watch it again.. its been a long time since I wanted to watch the same movie 3 times within a week. But its just such an easy watch.
Yes I absolutely have to turn off my brain and not ask questions.. And I am 100% fine with that for this film.. My inner child has been begging for a film like this and has been disappointed so many times in the past.
Am I more forgiving because all G movies get silly.. Yep and I am grateful that I am.
As for Josstice League.. I think that kind of why I liked it on first and 2nd viewing.. It was Super Friends.
In all honesty.. First time viewing.. I liked Josstice League much more the ZSJL. ZSJL is a much better film but I wonder how much more I would like Josstice League is they updated Steppenwolf, dropped some of the jokes, change the color timing and did not reshoot any Superman scenes so that the lip issue was not there.
I mean at least I would not have to listen to steppenwolf talk about where all the mother boxes were 15 times in the film.![]()
Yep... GvK is still a sillier story than that.![]()