Thinking about ordering whatever else they have in stock. Great deal there. Thanks again for posting.
Is the current deal still 20%?
But yet, if someone had stole your card, ordered near $900 worth of toys on it and they processed the order and shipped it out, you would've been pissed too.I'd equate that to bad timing, nothing more. They got a suspicious order, tried to verify it and couldn't so they canceled it to play it safe. Try to see it from their POV.
True, but a simple voicemail stating the issue would have helped me to understand a bit more. Oh well. I guess I was pretty bitter about losing that Chris Redfield.
BUT, I got my order of Marcus Wrights and John Connors from them. Everything checks out. Finally got my money credited and made some adjustments to my order and lucked out in noticing that a DX Batman was available (the last one apparently). Yay me!
Just need to make sure I call these guys up and "verify" my order.
If any company suspects an illegal use of a credit card they are supposed to contact the Credit Card company and let them do any investigation. The CC company will contact the owner of the card and ask if the purchase is legit, that way if it is not the CC company can cancel the card immediately and prevent further theft. GoHastings did not act appropriately for the customer or follow the CC companies policy if they did not contact the CC company first. And it really stinks that you lost out on a great figure because of this.