Good Luck to all you Attendees

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I think patience is needed more now than luck. Until then I will do a ceremonial Life Day :chew dance so all the non-attendees have good luck tomorrow.
DekeStarkiller said:
I think patience is needed more now than luck. Until then I will do a ceremonial Life Day :chew dance so all the non-attendees have good luck tomorrow.

Please do - I think we're gonna need it......

I think that there should be a Freaks Pre-Order period too. It'd make things a bit less stressful.
Yeah, tomorrow is gonna be the real challange.

DS- OH yeah well take this :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew
jlcmsu said:
Yeah, tomorrow is gonna be the real challange.

DS- OH yeah well take this

Life Day Ceremonial dance for everyone! Glad today is my day off.

:chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew
tomandshell said:
I agree! It's the Friday crowd that's gonna need the luck...

Bigtime. I am glad I have a friend who IS going to SDCC that is ordering one for me. She's my saving grace, as I feel tomorow "Hell will break loose" and Vader-Anakin will sell out in record time.

If someone doesn't get to land Vader tomorow, I would get on the wait-list ASAP. I think you'll see alot of people order him today, that don't wind up going to the 'Con and then those Vaders will go to the wait-list.

I think this figure is going to be a hot-ticket item, and very popular this summer. I for one, am sooo looking forward to it, as it is probably my favorite of the 12" line so far, maybe except for Qui-Gonn.

Bring on the Priority Pre-Order!

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Good Luck to all of those ordering today, and have fun at Comic-con. I went a few years ago and it was a blast! And in honor of life day...
I may need to wear head-gear for the non-attendee PPO because if I don't get this I have a feeling I may need to smash my head into a blunt object like a chair or maybe a ceiling fan...

Agent23 said:
If someone doesn't get land Vader tomorow, I would get on the wait-list ASAP. I think you'll see alot of people order him today, that don't wind up going to the 'Con and then those Vaders will go to the wait-list.

This should be a fun's been said before, but if you want one, you'll get one.................:chew :chew