You guys suck! I want snow. I WANT SNOW! I GOT TOO MUCH SNOW! Also, none of you know what cold is. Not like me. Muawahahaha! Muawahahaha... muwahhaha..... WAHHHHHH! I made myself cry.
It was -50 C here a couple days ago with the wind-chill. Snow is overrated people! It gets into your shoes . o O (Okay so I don't tie my shoes! Damn my dexterity to hell), the roads and sidewalks turn into ice. . o O (If only I brought out my skates) Your snot turns into icicles . o O (Not really, but it is fricking cold) Your car doesn't start properly . o O (Now you're losing years off of your life yelling and screaming for your car to start) Then there is the shovelling, getting snow off the roof. . o O (Ever seen snow melt really fast?! Can you say your own personal flooded basement? I can!)
I.... HATE... SNOW... AND... THE... COLD!!!