He has multiple rows of teeth...
There's a lot of detail in this piece for sure
I just went berserk on another forum at people who were finding things to pick at on this masterpiece... The detail in this piece is mind blowing!!!
Don't expect this to be a Joker to display with your comic accurate Batman who's design was probably catered for the whole family, this is raw creative talent which we rarely get to see out of these licensed companies who are constantly pumping out the same conservative looking characters. The best part is you can decide how you want to perceive this line, scarecrows toxin, how Batmans nightmares may look, how the media may portray both Batman and Joker to the civilians of Gotham City, how each character sees themselves... I could go on.
If the horror vibe is too much for you then leave this forum because I can promise you this line isn't catered for the whole family like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
You had me till you brought up marvel lol. But yeah even if i dont get this line it is awesome. Joker even more than batman. It does look freaking awesome and nothing like other joker statues
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I just went berserk on another forum at people who were finding things to pick at on this masterpiece... The detail in this piece is mind blowing!!!
Don't expect this to be a Joker to display with your comic accurate Batman who's design was probably catered for the whole family, this is raw creative talent which we rarely get to see out of these licensed companies who are constantly pumping out the same conservative looking characters. The best part is you can decide how you want to perceive this line, scarecrows toxin, how Batmans nightmares may look, how the media may portray both Batman and Joker to the civilians of Gotham City, how each character sees themselves... I could go on.
If the horror vibe is too much for you then leave this forum because I can promise you this line isn't catered for the whole family like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
After seeing the Batman and Joker I would PO scarecrow right now without even seeing the prototypeScarecrow is a no brainer for them surely, hope they pull it off
Scarecrow is a no brainer for them surely, hope they pull it off
They said he would likely be third in the line if the series takes off well enough. Scarier versions of Croc, Freeze, Clayface, Mad Hatter, and Ra’s Al Ghul could be really cool.