I have to say this is the definitive joker for me (in any scale). I'm sure I'm alone in that thought but that's why we all have different tastes

XM Studios 1/6 joker would probably be my second favorite joker and again, just my taste. I have to say I've always been more into the artistic side of statues rather than buying a character just because it will complete a line or its from a specific comic, etc. Maybe that explains my weird taste.
Top 3 reasons I love this statue.
Pose - I love the pose of this piece, it just spoke to me when I first saw it. Joker hunched over with creepy hand over his head and emerging from the vat of acid and chemicals, very very cool. He just has a strong presence hunched over and I like the choice for the base because it ties in the origin of the Joker.
Sculpt-The strongest point for me is definitely the original art direction and the amazing sculpt on this piece. This is a huge sleeper hit in my eyes. Seeing Sideshows preview video and some photos on on syfy really sold the deal for me. Seeing this sculpt come together unpainted was a real piece of art. If you've never seen the pics in the link I highly recommend it. I love seeing statues being made and sculpted and brought to life.
Back to the sculpt, it's just amazing with tons of easter eggs littered throughout the piece. The body alone is just a beautiful work of art with each intricately sculpted detail. I could go on for awhile about all the individual details there.
I like both head sculpts but honestly it was the exclusive head above which sold the piece for me. The mouth, teeth and eyes just look so sadistic on this joker, pure evil. Even the regular edition head looks great with the 5 rows of teeth, seeing it in person, Im shocked Sideshow pulled it off so well. Both heads just look really evil, typically joker is not portrayed in such a dark fashion.
Also can I say how much I love how the hands look. Weird right lol. Each finger bent and posed in a creepy fashion and the fingernails are brown and grotesque, it really looks awesome up close.
Materials- For me I just prefer a fully sculpted piece and thats just my preference for a joker statue specifically. Just so you know Im not a mixed media hater, I have the OG Sideshow Boba Fett which is mostly mixed media and I love that piece.
I know most people like the OG Sideshow joker as the definitive joker but something about the mixed media on that statue just always bothered me a little too much. Too doll like.. I don't know just my preference. Also the face sculpt on that piece while from an artistic perspective is amazing, I just never liked the look. Again, just preferences.
I swear you would think I work for Sideshow talking about this statue but really I'm so happy to have got this, it really is the definitive Joker statue I've been waiting for. Sorry a friend is borrowing my camera so I will have to wait to provide pics, don't want to try with my cell phone but if you are on the fence with this piece I highly recommend it. Hey somebody had to breathe some life into this thread lol.
Cheers everyone!