Never done this sort of thing before.. sorry they are so crappy, only have my phone. Really digging this guy. I was trying to come up with a few poses that all you guys haven't already done, but I have to say that your "Cocky Thrawn" tops them all. Definitely a favorite of mine, and I'll no doubt steal it from time to time
Thrawn Rising...
This is how I've got him displayed for right now, without all the stars and such.
I've got to say, after spending some time with him, I'm very impressed. It's quite different from my expectations for the guy. The head, both sculpt and paint, are far better than I thought they would be. The tailoring on the outfit is a bit under what I expected. My biggest dissappointment has to go to his pet dinosaur lizard Ysalamir, not because it's bad, but because I love dinosaurs and it's my favorite componant of Thrawn, and it's just not up to the standards seen in the prototype, particularly the paint work on the face.
The chair, which I've seen a large number of complaints about, is absolutely perfect. I love it, I can't imagine it without it, and I don't forsee any problems with it breaking. I've been careful but pretty liberal with my handling of both Thrawn and his chair and they both have held up great. Thrawn's legs are loose and wobbly at the hips, however it hasn't affected him striking or holding poses at all. I seem to remember reading about this somewhere.. are all of their bodies like this? Or just Thrawn? Or did I just get a dud?
Anyway I'm not dissatisfied at all, the legs and all my other small complaints are extremely minor nitpicks that don't take away from the figure at all. Make no mistake, it's magnificent.
One thing I do want to touch on is the price. Perhaps I'm just not cut out for this hobby but it seems unreasonable at the very least. 230 was the original price on this and that's nuts. I got it for 135 and that was stretching it for me. I love it, but the price increases over the past couple of years don't seem warranted. And the chair is awesome, but anything over 50 or 60 bucks for it again seems like a lot. I suppose it's all relative, but it's just a little disenheartening to see figures like Admiral Ackbar- which was released for 15 or 20 bucks- now go for 4 or 5 dollars on ebay while this line is topping 100 a pop.
Obviously I know there's a difference in quality between Hasbro's older figures and this line. But an 80 dollar difference? No way. 20, 30 more, sure, I could see that. And that's where the line started and it made sense. Regardless, I'm sure a bunch of you don't want to read more of my useless thoughts, especially coming from such a newbie like me.
I love him, but I'm glad I got Thrawn for what I did. I look forward to a few more of my favorite characters down the line- for the right price, anyway.
Until then, I'll be enjoying the hell out of Thrawn. It's a magnificent piece.