Any word on Sideshow doing Tommy and CJ?
Maybe Tommy next year with VC's 10th anv.
(and or maybe depend on sales of Claude)
Any word on Sideshow doing Tommy and CJ?
Hey DP. Thanks for the review and the double shout out. I'm glad the figure turned out well. I think that's the first official release of a figure I did the head paint for. Seems pretty good. The bat and shoes look just like the proto in the pics. Good job on China for that.
Can't believe you watched my whole video. I can't watch my own stuff. It's like hearing myself on an answering machine. Glad other people watch though.
Yeah, that's one of those things where even if you don't have a bad voice, hearing yourself talk is just so unnatural. I did a radio interview once, and when I listened back to it, it was just uggghhhh.
It is a weird thing to hear. I honestly watch it through one time before I upload it, and I have to be alone. If anyone is in the room with me while myself is on I get all weirded out.
What was the radio interview for?
I can't watch my own stuff. It's like hearing myself on an answering machine.
^Would the swearing be about the flappy collar?