Says preorder
did you guys see something i didn't?
Unless that is wrong. If it oh well . . . .Confirmation
Order Status: Will ship in 2-3 days.
UPS Shipment
Order Date: 10/13/2011
Order Number: rockstarwarehouse-666
I think that's a tough call. It was a popular game, but 1,500 isn't exactly super rare. That's a bit less than a b-level Joe character would get in terms of a production run. . .Man I want nothing more than to buy this for my bro who's a HUGE fan of these games... do you think this will hold it's value or plummet???
I think that's a tough call. It was a popular game, but 1,500 isn't exactly super rare. That's a bit less than a b-level Joe character would get in terms of a production run. . .
I will die if they announce a John Marston figure someday. I really hope that this is an indicator of some sort of licensing deal with Sideshow.
does anyone know how much the shipping costs to europe?
Question for people in the know of the biz (everyone here seems to haver some link to inside info).
On a UK site CVG they say the figure will be for sale on October 20th, is that for the release or could it be for a direct in the UK sale link for Claude ?.
I would really like to get this figure but importation still scares the inner child. As I posted somewhere else, Rockstar started over here so why cant we get a break for once ?.
Cheers, looks to be about £120 to UK including customs and delivery. Which is pretty good.
Thanks Nova.
Big decision now then on weather to get now or hope for a cheap second hand one down the line. Love the game but to many toys recently, going beyond my means.
But its awesome, yes its off a little but then the game is 10 years old.
Special to me as well,(huge GTA fan in general) too hard to pass up.
Tommy Vercetti next year for the 10th ANV. of VC!!!!!!!! (LETS HOPE)
Claude was awesome cause he was a silent BADD-ASS.
Tommy was awesome cause of Ray Liotta
Carl was Gangster
Niko was cool in his own way.
But the first two guys were the best.