Doesn't Han shooting second fit in more with his douche bag portrayal in ROTJ?
Doesn't Han shooting second fit in more with his douche bag portrayal in ROTJ?
Ahhh....that would be NO!Han shot first!!! See for yourself and look at the crappy edit they inserted, it's obvious! Stop being a Lucas apologist! " shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32, be free of Lucas BS my friend.
You totally missed my point, Einstein. BB
BTW, nerd,
anger leads to the dark side.BB
Stop being a Lucas apologist!
In addition, as a visual effects professional in NZ it continues to amaze me that quite a serious editorial change that causes all kinds of grief (character motivation, fans upset etc) is not done more carefully by ILM. To not notice the shadow on the wall is really clumsy. Maybe an 18yr old intern at ILM did it....
From the sounds of it the Bluray changes were indeed done by interns. Could be wrong though.
I was thinking today about why Lucas is so upset and I think I figured it out. My belief is that Lucas wanted to do even more changes to the OT (like maybe completely redoing the space and Hoth battles) but we the fans put too much fear in to him to redo that much of the OT. So now he's pissed at us from stopping him from redoing even more of the OT. Thoughts?
Guess that is what Jedi do when they are fully in tune with the force at the time of death. The end of ROTS kind of explains it when Yoda mentions to Kenobi that Qui Gon has contacted him.
I assume the training and medication done by Kenobi and Yoda over the next 20 years made them fully merge with the force once they died.