Well it's clear that Ethan Van Sciver's version of GL was the inspiration and as such, the sculpture is a good representation of that both facially and musculature wise. That being the case, it's not what I'd like to see.
I like the idea of a matte black. I think it would make the green stand out even more. I don't mind the lack of cloth since the uniform is a ring construct and doesn't have to be cloth, though it could be. It would be nice to have the ring and emblem glowing as well as the base. It would be nice to make the green parts of the uniform something other than just painted on or cloth, but I don't have any ideas.
I quite like the more dynamic pose over the Captain Morgan poses of Superman and Batman, though they are brilliant statues overall.
A somewhat toned down musculature would be nice, but one that still captures the movement shown with the muscles as they are currently.