Hey everyone
As some of you are aware, I'm having a bit of a nightmare with Tax and debts at the moment. Therefore I just want to put up a post about interest in customs I haven't yet finished. I have 4 to complete. I don't really want to sell them but means is a most at the moment. Not only that I haven't had much of my own time to complete things for myself. So what better to ask my fellow freaks?
Please note no of these are finished, however if someone interested I will complete them.
First up:
My custom Ed Norton Fight Club Custom.
Rainman head painted by myself.
TTL costume.
Body with 4 hands 1x with Scar
Greggos Fight Club Accessory set.
Complete House diorama with stacks of books designed and customised by Greggo.
The picture below is a prototype. Not final!
2: Bruised Rainman Fight Club.
Rainman head painted by myself.
Rainman costume
Body with 2 hands
Office Chair.
3: Leon
Dragon head painted by myself
Prefection Killer costume and accessories
Weathered and completed by myself.
Any spec you want I will complete too.
4: Die Hard
Sunhoc Die Hard head painted by myself
Comedian Body weathered by myself.
Any spec you want I will complete too.
If anyone is interested please let me know. I would rather finish them all and give them to someone who will love to own these.
Thank You