Super Freak
purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect, very smooth repaint
Thank you everyone means a lot! I have just finished another paint job of a certain head sculpt of a certain killer that Trevor Grove did not sculpt, but I can't show it and I'm gutted about it because I'm very proud and the sculpt is mind blowing.
Did you get my Dude and Walter head sculpts yet? I tried pm'ing you, but I don't think you got it. Please let me know as soon as you can. Thanks! =~)
Myers' Farms Online!
Hey everyone I just want you all to know that I haven't had much time to be on this site at the moment due to how much work I have been doing. This week I have been so busy with Big Chief Studios taking over 800 pictures of the Eleventh Doctor and here is a sneak peek. I hope you like?