But which one was Haywire again? Was that the high art picture about the naked dancing gay guys?
We already sort of saw that in Haywire. . .though he was an evil Bond.
Yes, that was it. The Bond thing was just his stage persona before stripping down and grinding on a pole.
But which one was Haywire again? Was that the high art picture about the naked dancing gay guys?
Yes, that was it. The Bond thing was just his stage persona before stripping down and grinding on a pole.
When Yando flies off with quill at the end and gives him the space suit.... Why couldn't quill just use his helmet mask thing to breathe and Yando use the space suit?
We just saw the flick this weekend. It was a good popcorn flick. Didn't seem as good as the first but still worth seeing.
One thing I thought that was really a huge screw up though and I don't get... When Yando flies off with quill at the end and gives him the space suit.... Why couldn't quill just use his helmet mask thing to breathe and Yando use the space suit?
We just saw the flick this weekend. It was a good popcorn flick. Didn't seem as good as the first but still worth seeing.
One thing I thought that was really a huge screw up though and I don't get... When Yando flies off with quill at the end and gives him the space suit.... Why couldn't quill just use his helmet mask thing to breathe and Yando use the space suit?
We just saw the flick this weekend. It was a good popcorn flick. Didn't seem as good as the first but still worth seeing.
One thing I thought that was really a huge screw up though and I don't get... When Yando flies off with quill at the end and gives him the space suit.... Why couldn't quill just use his helmet mask thing to breathe and Yando use the space suit?
Quill's helmet was destroyed earlier in the movie.
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Ego throws Peter back and he flies and lands on the ground. When he hits, the helmet falls off to the left of him, breaking. They made it a pretty good point for one not to miss it.
That was his cassette tape
Ego throws Peter back and he flies and lands on the ground. When he hits, the helmet falls off to the left of him, breaking. They made it a pretty good point for one not to miss it.
Hmmm I guess I missed it. Thanks everyone
That was his cassette tape