Guess the next 12 announcements

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Super Freak
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
North Carolina
With all the discussion over what Sideshow is going to be announcing over the next year for 2007, I thought it would be fun to have a game where we guess the next 12 announcements (not in order) after Plo Koon for 12" figures and see who comes the closest. I dont want this thread to get into an argueing match between people so please dont tell people how their entries are all wrong and full of crap.
1. Darth Vader (SL)
2. Obi-Wan ANH (OJ)
3. Stormtrooper (M)
4. Saesee Tinn (OJ)
5. Luke Bespin (OJ)
6. 501st Clonetrooper (M)
7. Lando Bespin (HOTR)
8. R2-D2 (HOTR)
9. Palpatine (SL)
10. Boba Fett (SV)
11. Greedo (SV)
12. Leia ANH (HOTR)

So that 3 HOTR, 3 OJ, 2 SL, 2 M, and 2 SV. I think I may just be hoping for Boba but cant we all have hope.

Edit I cant believe I forgot about Snowbunny Padme but she kinda already been announced though
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Oooh nice thread...

1. Lando Calrissian (HOTR)
2. Emperor Palpatine (LOTS)
3. Luke Skywalker (OOTJ)
4. Dengar (S&V)
5. Han Solo (HOTR)
6. Padme (Snow Bunny)(HOTR)
7. Obi-Wan Kenobi (OOTJ)
9. Stormtrooper (MIL)
10. Anakin Skywalker (OOTJ)
11. Princess Leia (HOTR)
12. Count Dooku (LOTS)
1. Darth Vader ANH
2. Ben Kenobi
3. Stormtrooper
4. Ki Adi Mundi
5. Lando Calrissian ESB
6. Palpatine ROTS
7. Tusken Raider
8. Saesee Tiin
9. Commander Cody
10. Luke Skywalker ANH
11. Jango Fett
12. Clone Wars Padme
1. Darth Vader ANH
2. Ben Kenobi
3. Palpatine (Either ROTS or ROTJ)
4. Pilot Luke
5. Saesee Tin
6. Ilum Padme
7. Princess Leia ANH
8. Stormtrooper
9. Tarkin
10. Obi-Wan Kenobi (TPM)

and I know these aren't going to happen that soon, but I can't really think of other characters right now so.....

11. Chewbacca
12. Aayla Secura

Remember, there has to be a Sith on the list. A hint was given out in a chat that one of the next few figures would be a Sith.

Is that Lando in Jedi attire from some obscure Expanded Universe story? :D
jason2885 said:
I dont want this thread to get into an argueing match between people so please dont tell people how their entries are all wrong and full of crap.
If we can't do that, then where's the fun?? :D

Storm trooper
Clone trooper
Aayla Secura

Palpatine (rots)
Illum Padme
AOTC Anakin
ROTJ Vader
Clone Trooper (aotc)
Shaak Ti
Jango Fett

Blind Guess!
Lando Calrissian
Emperor Palpatine/Sidious
Jango Fett
Boba Fett
Padme (Snow Bunny)
Clonetrooper (with different paint apps)
Count Dooku (LOTS)
Agen Kolar
Darth Vader
I could guess sure, but I'll just put my want list, pretend it's a guess list, in no order....

Darth Vader
Old Obi
White jumpsuit Padme
Hoth Leia
Boba Fett
Palpatine (Rotj but ROTS is cool)
Count Dooku
"Lando Calrisian"
"Mara Jade" (but only after "Padme" is released)
"Snowbunny Padme" (Ok, we already know about her but she's coming out in 2007 so she counts.)
"Jango Fett"
"Obi Wan" (from Ep. IV)
"Leia" (probably from Ep. IV... The same as the PF or from the award ceremony at the end. If not then "Bespin Gown" or "Hoth" versions but we will get another "Leia" in 2007.)
"Stormtrooper" (classic design from Ep. IV)
"Grand Moff Tarkin"
"Stormtrooper Luke"
"Stormtrooper Han"

And I believe that at the 2007 SD Comic Con (not for the SD CC) they will announce the "Return of the Jedi" "Emperor's Death Star Throne Room set" (just like they announced the "Jabba set" this year) which will include (in seperate pieces):

"The Emperor" (from Ep. VI)
"Darth Vader" (from Ep VI with switchable head, healmet on or off)
"Royal Guard"
"Throne and Base"

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I hope you are right about your picks. i just hope the Emperor the throne Vader and Royal guard are all inclusive editions because I can see the fighting over these now if they were exclusive.

My worst nightmare is a PPO for a Darth Vader in the suit
My bet is that they will start sliding into the ANH anniversary event, with a Tusken raider first, Tarkin to start the military line (Mainly because all they need is a head sculpt and uniform.), and Vader by May.
I'm not good at guessing the rhyme or reason behind these releases, but it's safe to say we'll see a Darth Vader for the 30th anniversary. I'm certainly hoping for many, many more OT characters, and not from Return of the Jedi (unless of course it's Vader). Anyone else noticed all the OT characters released/announced so far can easily be put in with the Jabba's palace display? Even Han, just take off his jacket and belt...
In no particular order:

1. Obi-Wan (Ep. I)
2. Obi-Wan (Ep. IV)
3. Darth Vader
4. Emperor Palpatine (Ep. VI)
5. Greedo
6. Ki-Adi Mundi
7. Aayla Secura
8. Lando (Ep. VI)
9. C-3PO and R2-D2 pack
10. Count Dooku
11. Tarkin
12. Imperial Guard
No particular order

1. Cody
2. Gree
3. Darth Vader
4. Sidious
5. 501st Clone
6. Ki-Adi Mundi
7. Aayla Secura
8. Shock Trooper
9. C-3PO and R2-D2 pack
10. Count Dooku
11. Stormie
12. Imperial Guard
13. Sandtrooper
14. Biker Scout
15. Vos
Here are some extra figures I hope SS considers:

  1. Tuskin
  2. Tarkin
  3. Darth Vader ROTJ
  4. EWOKS
  5. JAWAs
  6. Stortrooper
  7. Snowtrooper
  8. Scout Trooper
  9. Rebel Soldier ep. IV
  10. Rebel Trooper - Hoth Gear
  11. Lando - Skiff Guard
  12. Imperial Guard -Red
  13. Emperer
  14. Luke -x Wing
  15. IG-88
  16. General Veers
  17. Kenner's Original DEATH SQUAD (star) Commander
  18. Princess Leia - White gown w/hologram
  19. Detention Cell Playset

WhooHoo!! the top of my head...

Next 12 I think we'll see...

Lando (Bespin...or possibly Jabba's Palace)
Agen Kolar
ROTS Palpatine (pre-disfigured)
Sassee Tinn
Tantive IV Trooper
Old Ben
C 3PO (I don't know why but I just have a feeling he'll be the first "armored" character we'll see)
Ki-Adi Mundi
Xwing Luke

But the next 12 I want to see are...

**Boba Fett**
**Jango Fett**
Darth Vader (any version)
X Wing Luke (prefer ESB version but I'd be happy with ANH)
501st Clone
General Lando
Endor Leia
EI Obi Wan
Bespin Luke