Guy Flips Cop the Bird...

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Actually Blackthornone, it's not just Bullies. It's also nerds/marks who got punked out their whole life who become cops. And THOSE are usually the ones who are the biggest pricks.

So according to your theory 90% of the freaks here will eventually become cops? :horror

In Blackthoron's world, what kind of cop is this? :dunno :huh :dunno
The police should have ignored it.

They should have but they didn't. They wanted to teach him a lesson and thought he'd just roll over and they'd get the last laugh. Now that will be up to a judge and not the cops. Waste of money. Like naughty kids, both sides ought to get a smack, oops, I mean time out. Neither side will change, regardless of the penalty imposed.

In Blackthoron's world, what kind of cop is this? :dunno :huh :dunno

One who wants to get a closer look. Sometimes cops pull over beautiful women for no reason other than to get a better look. They SAY it's for something else, but it's not. A cop pulled over my mother once to get a better look at her, but she was in a car, and properly dressed.
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LOL! Cops can be A holes and so can people. This guy is an A hole for giving a cop the finger for no reason.
Still, if the cops where being professional, they should have ignored it.
Grade A ********* right there. Sorry, but he needed the attitude check. Sure, the cops should've ignored it, but that Azzclown doesn't need to go around flipping people off for no reason. I hope the judge throws it out and gives him the finger.
Not to be a total douche, buuut.. I think he meant the term he used.. or as Mr. Webster puts it.
in*ane adj. -an*er, -an*est. Lacking sense or substance. (Lat. inanis.) -- Inanely adv. -- Inanity n.

I think he was just using that as an opportunity to call the guy insane. I am pretty sure he knows what inane means.
right on.l did the same thing but worse a few years ago a cop almost ran over me and my buddy at a cross walk walking home from a party so l yelled what the finger means and threw my bear bottle at the cop car l missed but the cop kept going.he didnt even have the lights on,l show my anger toward other stupid drivers and if its a cop l wnt hold back.
There are good cops, and bad cops. Period. I havent met a bad cop yet. Even when I got busted. They were still very nice. I do hate that they treat us kids with such harshness, I get very annoyed with not being able to enjoy a SINGLE High School Party because of them....but I digress. I dont hate cops.
There are bad cops and good cops. Since there are bad cops, I tend to avoid them at all costs. I've been screwed by a bad cop before (and not the good kinda screw) and the bad taste will never leave my mouth. (Could that sentence have been more sexual?) I get pissed at cops for sitting and waiting for someone to speed, but won't pull over the people who deliberately run red lights while the cop is sitting at the red light themselves. I just hate how they work, and that they have to write tickets to meet quotas or whatever, it's just all BS.