Darth Madden
You Are A Tooooooy!!!
Disney = 666
Isn't that d66?
Disney = 666
Wow. That is probably the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me.I must say Im surprised to see you at any job that requires any level of public interaction. I dont see youre personality and patience fitting at all with such duties.
Made me think of this, Cloudy!
Wow. That is probably the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me.
And I'm sorry if this post sounds entirely too serious and mean but I'm going through a tough time (insomnia, pneumonia, cancer treatment, financial trouble) and easily annoyed at the moment.
I call sick at least 12 days a year and those are paid.3 weeks of paid vacation a year.Insurance for drugs and medicament, dentist, eyes....Free food at the cafeteria.Free Internet surfing from my office.I'm working max one hour a day on a 8 hour shift.I'm also working with 130 female co-worker between the age of 20-30 and we are about 15 guys on the site (do the math yourself ).
Life is good when you are the Worm.
I was and am extremely contagious. I've passed it onto both my mother and younger brother and feel horrible about it, although they don't seem to be hit as hard as I am thank God. I don't call in sick unless I'm in danger of spreading it. Can you imagine getting those germs on all the toys for the kids? That would be awful.
yea, being contagious is worth the call out. I am not blaming you, some companies have no heart. But i find that if i can make it out of my bed i can make it to work. Spread your germs to everyone if they make you work after seeing you come in ill. That is their fault.
We get the opposite instructions at my work. If we think we are sick we need to stay the heck home. I work for a medical company and we have people from our office who go to the clinics and clinic people come to our main office all the time so who the heck knows what could be spread back and forth. We get 18+ PTO days a year and thats what its for.
what do you do for a living? lol. sounds much better than most jobs.
on a side note:
This year i got two big promotions at work. I am about 25 years younger than everyone in the same postion i am in. I was away from this company for a few years due to military obligations but was on the fast track back in the day. I came back to them and started working my way up from the bottom again (which sucked but you gotta do what you gotta do). The few things that i learned on how to be successful at work are:
Always be on time. I am 15 minutes early every day, at least.
Dont talk. No gossip no nothing. Just come to work, be friendly and work. I learned that the more i opened my mouth the more i put my foot in it.
Dress better than everyone else. I always wear a tie, even though i am not required to. I always shine my shoes and always stay clean cut.
Volunteer for OT. Eventually it costs more to not promote you then it will for them to give you a raise.
Be sincere and honest. If you do not understand how to do a part of your job, ask someone who can and pay attention.
Volunteer for all of the crappy parts of the job. Once you work hard enough you will never have to do them again, but it shows your superiors that you are able to do any and all aspects of you career.
And never call out sick unless you are contagious. I have never missed a day of work for sickness...ever. I go to work sick and go home when they see me. But i take the effort to be seen so they can never say i faked it.
Just some tips for the future. they all worked for me.
what do you do for a living? lol. sounds much better than most jobs.
He counsels wayward Canadian youth.
He counsels wayward Canadian youth.
Banny speaks the truth actually.I'm a youth counselor in a detention center...But I DO NOT work with teenage girls...
Banny speaks the truth actually.I'm a youth counselor in a detention center...But I DO NOT work with teenage girls...