No GDB as usual, you are wrong, there is no woman there!
More seriously though, the debate arises from RS' general incompetence and hope of salvaging something out of a bad experience.
To resolve all issues past and future I assert the 'Holden Postulate'.
That is: The story is a re-occurring dream where factual inaccuracies are meaningless as story elements and there are no production/continuity flaws. This concept even includes the wires on the Spinners! Nothing is a flaw. Everything is a dream element. The first support of this is the vision of the city thgrough Holden's eye establishing it is his vision of the city. It follows that all things seen afterward may be in his mind or a memory from the suggestion of his eye. Remember it is his eye seen first, not Chew's or an owl.
We also see the repeating motif of fans. These may be real on site, or they may be a suggestion of what Holden sees as his life's blood is draining from his body.
To help illustrate this concept: see Jacob's Ladder. Other helpful films include: Total Recall and Angel Heart.
The Holden concept even covers RS' behind and makes him a visionary rather than a clutz who takes 25 years to get a film finished.
All versions are correct and Deckard is/is not a replicant based on Holden's mood.
Anyway, it is a new concept to contribute to the old film.