Happy Birthday to me ....sort of

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No B-Day wishes from me, its not your B-day you don't have one this year. :monkey3
Come back next year and you will have my B-Day wishes :lol
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are the first leap year baby I know! Well, I don't really know you...but you get what I mean. :) CHEERS :duff
Thanks all. At least I got some love here. My own Mother forgot to call me yesterday :monkey2

I don't want to paint her to be a horrible person because she's a wonderful Mom and the sweetest woman I've ever known. But she ain't gonna live this one down for a long time.
Darth Loki said:
Thanks all. At least I got some love here. My own Mother forgot to call me yesterday :monkey2

I don't want to paint her to be a horrible person because she's a wonderful Mom and the sweetest woman I've ever known. But she ain't gonna live this one down for a long time.
:lol :lol
My parents forgot my birthday for 3 years in a row and when they finally remembered months later, I got a $50 gift certificate for Wal-Mart. They know I hate Wal-Mart. I am not joking either, probably the worst 3 birthdays of my life and they haven't gotten any better since.