Re: re
FYI, the pic wasn't censored for religious content but for violence content. If someone had posted a close-up of the beat up cop from Reservoir Dogs I would have deleted that too
That is a pathetic response. There is not a scene that I showed that compares to the cop's ear that I posted. It was not a closeup. I also did not post that image in any other thread, limiting it to the Easter thread as it is a image of Jesus from a phenominally successful independant film last year. I certainly did not post an image "out of place, or out of time." There was no image of anyone doing anything violent to Jesus, that had already been done and he was on the cross.
that is an ignorant statement of such profound hugeness. There was no closeup of any visible wounds or flailed back. It was an image approximately of 10-15 ft. distance that, there was no scene of a lance in the side, no scene of Jesus in the process of being nailed. The image I posted was this one here if you care to see it and make a judgement:
I find it also very telling that a site called FAMILY.ORG would be hosting this image. Hmmmm.
There was NO ACTIVE VIOLENCE in the image, only the result. Perhaps you need a lecturing about the purpose of art Dave, it is supposed to be impacting, provocative, challenging, and it is supposed to be disturbing as it is a image of a execution of Jesus. You think all images of a the crucifixion have to be whitewashed version?
You are acting in the manner of an iconoclast, and that, according to the ancient church, was as the same action as the Roman centurion who did plunge the lance into Jesus, and considered heresy.
If you want to compare religious iconography and imagery, I can flood this thread with images of unredoubtable artist painted images that are more gruesome and disturbing, and are in the cathedrals, basilica's, monestaries, and other locations.
it is ironic also that I just this hour completed watching a PBS documentary the changing imagery of the depiction of Jesus, the cross, and the Resurrection, so... if you want to keep trying to justify your religious censorship in this thread, bring it on.
another thing to think about, unless this is also censored because I am the messenger,
How many images of violence, decapitations, piercing with arrows, bloody torso's, bloody movie villains and murderers such as Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, and so on have we been exposed to here on this board from the movies, or from Sideshow-Weta's prosucts ??????? Ugluk come to mind??? Cleaved orc????
and you have the nerve of editing out a singular image of Jesus being crucified on Good Friday???????