Happy Father's Day

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Re: Happy Fathers Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure if anybody post it yet but who cares!!!! Happy Fathers Day to whom ever here is a Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you guys have a great day!! and make sure to tell your kids you love em.:monkey2


Thank you kind sir. and I return the sentiment to all of the dads out there.
OH HELL NO!!!! Why did my thread get Killed!!!!! I made it first!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you bastard!!!:monkey2:monkey2
OH HELL NO!!!! Why did my thread get Killed!!!!! I made it first!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you bastard!!!:monkey2:monkey2

Actually p!tu I made this thread a couple of days before yours... and I'm a daddy so today I outrank you.:D
Happy Step Father's Day and Happy Grand Father's Day.

Biological Dad, thanks for being a sperm donor.... fine, Happy Father's Day to the ass.
My Dad spent the entire day doing things that reminded me of why we all love him so much. Throughout the day he never once mentioned any special gifts or cards, or trips, or anything. He spent the entire day helping my brother make some emergency fixes in his place so that he could be with his own wife and kids on Father's Day. He's been moving things and cleaning things since the minute he got back from church, and he didn't even have time for a special dinner. But when I called him to talk this evening and asked about it, he just reminded me "that's what real Fathers do." No naps, no presents--he spent the whole day working hard to make life a little easier for one of his own. And yet, knowing my Father, I can't say I'm surprised. The man has given his life to his wife and children, and has won our eternal love and devotion for him and his noble example.

Yeah, we've given him tons of gifts and cards and words of love and gratitude, but we all know that what he really wants is to see his wife and seven children (and all of their spouses and their children) happy, healthy, and on loving terms with one another. And it seems that he and Mom have gotten that.

I love you Dad.