Happy Thanksgiving my freaks. In addition to God, Country Family and friends' I am also thankful for this forum and SSC. It is great to know there are other freaks out there.
Happy Thanksgiving my fellow freaks. I'm thankful for the health of my family and friends to be able to celebrate this fine day with them. I'm also thankful for the birth of my healthy new son Logan who is three weeks old today.
I'm thankful to be able to celebrate this holiday with my family & friends. I'm thankful that I have my health, my work and everyone involved in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving. I was going to post the youtube video of the fake trailer from Grindhouse, but the naked butt and ****ies portion is uncut on there.
I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving. Everything came out great at our house and our guests loved everything. It was nice to see everyone but now my wife and I are glad that they all finally left. Now were just going to relax for the rest of the week and watch movies. Entertaining lots of people can be tough business.