Has anyone ever sold at a Toy Show before?

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Super Freak
Jun 19, 2007
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Down in a Hole
There is one coming up in my area and it's only $35 for an 8 foot table. I think I'm going to do it, figure it's cheaper than listing 50 things on Ebay. Anyone have any experience in this?

Mostly, I just need to unload some stuff.

I wonder if I can put stuff up for Ebay prices or if I have to go lower than that.
Get ready for lots of lowballers if you do. But that is how it goes when selling something in that kind of environment.
Yeah I find that toy shows are only worth attending because of the great deals. I remember one show about a year ago, I bought 2 HT Rambo's for $35 each.
so no high-end statues listed for $500???

Well this is how I see it, for $35 bucks you can setup early, go look around and see what other dealers have and maybe swing a trade. You may also run into someone else locally that collects the same things you do.

Just a thought, if I were you i'd go forsure.
Well this is how I see it, for $35 bucks you can setup early, go look around and see what other dealers have and maybe swing a trade. You may also run into someone else locally that collects the same things you do.

Just a thought, if I were you i'd go forsure.

Yeah, I'm going, have the $35 check ready to mail tomorrow, already spoke to the lady. It's set up in NOrthern Phoenix/Scottsdale, and that's a fairly well to do part of town if I recall.


I'm loading up a bunch of Harry Potter busts and some family guy figures, may bring some SSW LOTR stuff that I'm willing to part with. I hope to have about 50 things to try and sell. maybe I'll post an inventory once I get it gathered and see what you guys think of the asking prices I'm trying to get.
Yeah, I'm going, have the $35 check ready to mail tomorrow, already spoke to the lady. It's set up in NOrthern Phoenix/Scottsdale, and that's a fairly well to do part of town if I recall.


I'm loading up a bunch of Harry Potter busts and some family guy figures, may bring some SSW LOTR stuff that I'm willing to part with. I hope to have about 50 things to try and sell. maybe I'll post an inventory once I get it gathered and see what you guys think of the asking prices I'm trying to get.

I am going to try to get there. I will be working a project in Phoenix during that time.
Just don't put anything valuable on display out in the open, because people will touch and maul it over in their dirty little hands :monkey4
It's one of those places where you have to be prepared to negotiate, and willing to sell for peanuts if you have to. Especially on the stuff you are on the verge of throwing out rather than pay fees and going through the trouble. It's good to get there early and set up quick, because the other stall holders will swoop on your stuff and have it up for double what you thought it possible to get, before the doors open. Put price tags on what you want a firm price for, and have items without prices to make prospective customers ask and engage them in conversation. You will find if a couple of people hover around your table, oft times people will come to see what they are looking at.

Know the going prices and know you are at a market and have fun with it. It's good to have someone with you so you can go off and check out what the other stall holders have, to gauge the competition, and see how rare your figures are at this meet, to help you hold out for a higher price than that asked. You will hold out for higher and wish you hadn't, and you will sell for less than what you could have gotten. The early birds will be on the hunt, so all your good stuff will go first. Have plenty of change handy, and shopping bags and maybe some packing material. When things start dragging out and you've had enough, pull up stumps and leave. Make sure they have a kiosk or bring your own lunch and a thermos. Hope you have a good time.
So I've compiled some stuff I want to sell. I have the "suggested" prices (suggested by me, based on my cost with a little markup and Ebay) that I would be happy to sell for, but willing to haggle a few bucks if necessary.

Honest opinion, but please don't flame me, are these prices reasonable?

Item Sale Price
American McGee - Alice $50.00
Army of Darkness - Ash $45.00
Army of Darkness - Evil Ash $35.00
Austin Powers Mez-Itz - Austin and Dr. Evil $12.00
Austin Powers Mez-Itz - Austin and Fat Bastard $12.00
Batman - Lego Batmobile $40.00
Battle Star Galactica - Baltar $50.00
Battle Star Galactica - Caprica Six Exclusive $50.00
Battle Star Galactica - Centurion Bust $50.00
Battle Star Galactica - Cylon Bust $60.00
Battle Star Galactica - Six $40.00
Corpse Bride - Maggot Statue $10.00
Dark Crystal - Jen - 12" $80.00
Dark Crystal - Kira - 12" $80.00
Full Metal Jacket - Dress Blues Ermey Exclusive $60.00
Harry Potter - Dementor $50.00
Harry Potter - Dobby $45.00
Harry Potter - Hagrid $60.00
Harry Potter - Harry Potter - 5 Year $45.00
Harry Potter - Harry Potter - 5 Year (Light Up) $65.00
Harry Potter - Luna Lovegood $110.00
Harry Potter - Mad Eye Moody $55.00
Harry Potter - Merperson/Grindylow $75.00
Harry Potter - Ron Weasley $50.00
Harry Potter - Voldemort $55.00
Harry Potter - Hermione Granger $50.00
Lord of the Rings - Animated Ringwraith on Steed $70.00
Marvel - Iron Man LSB Exclusive $300.00
Mattel - Harry Potter - Hagrid's Gift $25.00
Mattel - Harry Potter - The Chamber of Keys $25.00
Mattel - Harry Potter - The Mirror of Erised $25.00
Mezco Family Guy - Death $25.00
Mezco Family Guy - Peter $25.00
Mezco Family Guy - Salesman (Blue Suit) $20.00
Mezco Family Guy - Salesman (Color Checkers) $20.00
Mighty Muggs - SDCC Feritility Idol $25.00
Mighty Muggs - SDCC Gree $25.00
Mighty Muggs - SDCC Iron Man $30.00
My Little Pony SDCC $22.00
Napoleon Dynamite - Pedro - McFarlane $15.00
Star Wars - Duel of Fates - Faux Bronze $425.00
Star Wars - Yoda vs. Dooku $225.00
Star Wars - Yoda vs. Dooku - Faux Bronze $300.00
The Dead - Subject 5 $125.00
The Dead - Subject 560 $70.00
The Dead - Subject 57 $80.00

If I need to knock the prices down some, I will, but I was hoping to offer discounts on a "buy two, three, etc. and save" deal.

Basically, what I'm asking is, "Are these too high or will people just pass on by?"

Edit: I have some more I will get together, some doubles of SS Marvel PF and SSW LOTR, and some comics from 1990's (X-Force #1 in the house)
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Mesa, the heck are you doing with My Little Pony ?

I think your prices are good. Whatever they fetch on ebay, try to drop the price just a tad bit. For example, if a statue sells for $300 on ebay, sell it for $280.
Mesa, the heck are you doing with My Little Pony ?

I think your prices are good. Whatever they fetch on ebay, try to drop the price just a tad bit. For example, if a statue sells for $300 on ebay, sell it for $280.


They were $12, and I got caught up in the hype waiting in line for Cobra in Hasbro line at SDCC. I thought I would give one to my niece for her birthday, but my sister said "she's moved on" from my little pony. Shoot, if I can back $10 on it, it's all good.

My next step is going to be to take an average of last ~10 ebay sales, and see where I fall. Most of these havne't seen any appreciation in value, so I'm just tyring to recover my cost plus shipping.

Thanks for the input.
Mesa, the heck are you doing with My Little Pony ?
He doesn't want it in his house. I would have thought that was obvious. I don't buy that niece line, and if it were true, even she knew better.

It's good to see you have stuff that will undoubtedly send the lowballers away, but you know you will have them when they come back for a second try. Out of that lot the only ones I have are Jen and Kira, which I would think should raise some interest at those prices. If your happy with those prices accept any offers you get via PM. Though I would think they might get more on ebay, so stick to your guns on those.
He doesn't want it in his house. I would have thought that was obvious. I don't buy that niece line, and if it were true, even she knew better.

It's good to see you have stuff that will undoubtedly send the lowballers away, but you know you will have them when they come back for a second try. Out of that lot the only ones I have are Jen and Kira, which I would think should raise some interest at those prices. If your happy with those prices accept any offers you get via PM. Though I would think they might get more on ebay, so stick to your guns on those.

You'd be surprised, the Jen and Kira have dropped and can now be found for $50-$60. This is a second set I have, I think I paid about $90 for the set, which I thought was a deal and bought with purpose of flipping, but since then they've been going lower, so I just boxed away hoping price would go up. My other set is signed/sketched by the Froud on the box.

The thing about accepting offers via PM is then you have to factor in PP fees and shipping, which is considerable. Hopefully if these items sell, it will take away hassle of PP fees and having to ship.
Good luck at the show.
You've got some cool stuff and I hope you get what you're asking for.

There use to be a cool collectibles show that hit here in Boston around Christmas time and sellers were reasonable. There were a few who had some basic SW figures and would eyeball anyone who even walked near their table.
They were figures you could pick up at Toys R Us but these clowns were selling for big $. It's like if they want to sell them why act all paranoid when 1 person went to pick up the figure to see how much it cost.
Who knew at the time when I saw HT Predators and Alien figures that they'd be a huge hit. LOL