Has anyone here met Bill Paxton?

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I have observed that most of you bastards have dropped more names in one single post in this thread than I have combined total in my entire posting career. You have now lost any leverage and moral authority you thought you had.

.... um ........

..... naaahh .......... name dropper ........ :monkey1
.... um ............. naaahh .......... name dropper ........ :monkey1


Oh yeah, I forgot Naomi Campbell. I witnessed her *****ing at someone in her entourage about breaking a bracelet of hers. The great moment is when she threw it at him. I was surprised at how bumpy her skin actually was. She had a lightly pimpled complexion. :lol

I also met the uni-brow guy from Entourage (I was an extra in that wonderful film "Driving Me Crazy" which starred sabrina the teenage witch, who, incidentally, had zits all over her back). :lecture
One more....

A drunk Michael Stipe in Park City ranting about not being served anymore alcohol and yelling "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!??!??!!"

That was hilarious. :emperor
..... naaahh .......... name dropper ........ :monkey1

:lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture :lecture

love the mats... i got to meet Tommy after a show they did. He even got us passed a bouncer when we were underage, but Paul was just hanging out by himself drinking kinda giviing off this vibe that made you want to leave him alone.

I saw them is this very small, dank club back in '89. While Paul was off doing his own thing, the rest of the guys were just hanging out on the side of the stage (this was all before the show). So my friends and I went over and we started talking to them. Slim seemed so drunk he looked like he was about to pass out. At one point while we were talking, Tommy gave me a $20 and asked me to go to the bar and buy him a drink. When I asked him what he wanted, he grabbed the $20 from my hand and tore it up into little pieces. He then thew it in the air like confetti and started laughing like crazy. Then we all start laughing like idiots! Ahhh...good times. :lol
Whats this douche-baggery about? :dunno

You have to ask? :lol

Seriously, though, you kids have had your fun (and I've been a good sport about it and played along). But not anymore. It's beyond old now. Enough.

Oh, you can continue if you wish, of course. But not if you like things to be pleasant. :lecture
You have to ask? :lol

Seriously, though, you kids have had your fun (and I've been a good sport about it and played along). But it's old now. Enough.

A) This is a thread about famous people you have met or seen.

B) You are comparing posts in this thread to what people accuse you of doing, which it isn't. There is a difference between going in a thread ABOUT who you've seen as opposed to going into a thread and "name dropping" as you have been accused of doing.

C) I don't think this thread was intended as a dig against you. But you have chosen to take it personal. You were the first one to come in here and create the context you seem to think was where the thread was heading.

D) You have said on numerous occasions that you don't let internet chat get under your skin. I suggest you stick to that story and let people have fun recounting their experiences.

:lecture :moon :lecture
I don't think this thread was intended as a dig against you.
I don't think it was at all. I was responding to the irony of those who have taken shots at me personally in the past participating in such a thread in the first place. I thought "name-dropping" was the worst sin of all to some of you in these parts.

But you have chosen to take it personal. You were the first one to come in here and create the context you seem to think was where the thread was heading.
Actually, I believe I was referenced BEFORE I posted in here. :lecture

You have said on numerous occasions that you don't let internet chat get under your skin. I suggest you stick to that story
Indeed. And when I turn off my laptop tonight, I'll think nothing of it. But it has become rather boorish to see the same people playing the same tune constantly. This thread merely makes it ironic and amusing.

let people have fun recounting their experiences.
Good idea. If only the same courtesy had been extended to me before. :lecture

You're a big boy Carl. Get some sleep and forget about this whole thread. Its just a bad dream for you. :D

You're a big boy Carl. Get some sleep and forget about this whole thread. Its just a bad dream for you. :D

Oh, I'm not worried, believe me. :cool:

I would like to see the bull**** end, though. And the sooner the better. I am patient and tolerant to a point, even for an Irishman. :lol
Multi-posting...always a sure sign of fun!

I don't think it was at all. I was responding to the irony of those who have taken shots at me personally in the past participating in such a thread in the first place. I thought "name-dropping" was the worst sin of all to some of you in these parts.

I don't think this thread is about name-dropping at all. You've mistaken a bunch of people telling how they've had brief brushes with famous or semi-famous people with someone who has dropped hints about his famous friends and insider information that he can't really say anything about. Usually followed by :monkey3.

And Pixletwin, you ****, it was me who mentioned Irish the name-dropper first in this thread. :monkey3

How's the cold, btw?
I don't think this thread is about name-dropping at all. You've mistaken a bunch of people telling how they've had brief brushes with famous or semi-famous people with someone who has dropped hints about his famous friends and insider information that he can't really say anything about. Usually followed by :monkey3.

And so I learned a while back that rubbed some of you the wrong way. So be it. Point taken. However, you'd do better than try and assume what my motivations were and that they were any different than what people have shared in this thread.

Have any of my other posts on here indicated that I am anything other than a big geek and collector like the rest of you???

At the end of the day, I'm fine being the one who gives others the benefit of the doubt instead of one who calls someone a "*********" just because he doesn't like that the person "knows some people" and and may or may not have some inside info. In other words, if I treated some people on here half as nastily as they've treated me and been the one to make things personal and make ad hominen attacks then maybe you'd have the moral high ground.

So, if "name-dropping" and dropping hints of information are my worst crimes on here, then I think I'll sleep well.

That said, cheers. :duff
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Multi-posting...always a sure sign of fun!

Weeeeeeeeee! Multi-quoting!!! :rock

I don't think this thread is about name-dropping at all. You've mistaken a bunch of people telling how they've had brief brushes with famous or semi-famous people with someone who has dropped hints about his famous friends and insider information that he can't really say anything about. Usually followed by :monkey3.

Exactamundo! :duff

And Pixletwin, you ****, it was me who mentioned Irish the name-dropper first in this thread. :monkey3

Ok now I am confused. Am I pixletwit or pixle****?

How's the cold, btw?

The cold turned out to be pneumonia. :blissy :chew:chew
Exactamundo! :duff
Again, if "name-dropping" and dropping hints of information are my worst crimes on here, then I think I'll sleep well.

If only some of you had a sense-of-humor about it (like Bannister does) then it probably would not have reached critical mass with my patience.
Again, if "name-dropping" and dropping hints of information are my worst crimes on here, then I think I'll sleep well.

If only some of you had a sense-of-humor about it (like Bannister does) then it probably would not have reached critical mass with my patience.

I think its now become painfully obvious who does and who doesn't have a sense of humor about it.

Just let it drop Irish. :duff
pixletwin said:
I think its now become painfully obvious who does and who doesn't have a sense of humor about it.
Oh, finding the "funny" in it has past for me. I don't deny that at all. :monkey1

pixletwin said:
Just let it drop Irish.
Trust me, I'd be more than happy to! :duff (But that's up to you guys, too) ;)

Oh, I forgot to mention that I met Kurt Vonnegut about a hundred years ago while I was still in high-school.
Dude, that trumps all! :rock Please tell me you met him in some fitting way (a library perhaps?) and not on line at the ice cream shop or something. :lol
Again, if "name-dropping" and dropping hints of information are my worst crimes on here, then I think I'll sleep well.

If only some of you had a sense-of-humor about it (like Bannister does) then it probably would not have reached critical mass with my patience.

those 2 sentences contradict each other. The first suggests it doesnt bother you, the second suggests the complete opposite.

just roll with the punches. Jabs only stick and hang around when they openly bother people.
If I were in your position I'd laugh and take it into over drive with the name dropping posting a famous name/information in every post I made for the fun of it.

Id be more than happy to :duff with you any time, just like I did back stage with Dimebag Darrell about 5 stops on his last tour before he was shot & killed.

... see, like that^^^