Has there even been a hint?

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Super Freak
Feb 8, 2006
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As to when the next LOTR PF figure will be announced. I am not buying the 12" line so I'd like to see another PF announced sometime soon. Just wondering if there has been any word as to when one might be announced.
KitFisto said:
As to when the next LOTR PF figure will be announced. I am not buying the 12" line so I'd like to see another PF announced sometime soon. Just wondering if there has been any word as to when one might be announced.

I don't know but I'm dying for the next announcement. If you don't mind my asking, why aren't you going for the 12" line? I think this line is looking better, albeit smaller, than the SW 12".
Darth Loki said:
I don't know but I'm dying for the next announcement. If you don't mind my asking, why aren't you going for the 12" line? I think this line is looking better, albeit smaller, than the SW 12".

No space at all to put the 12" line. Plus I already have the 1/6 scale pollystone line. The 12" are nice and I do like them, but I can't justify 3 versions of the same character....1 pollystone, 1 12" and 1 PF version. Just too much and to me, the PF's are at the head of the class of all 3.
I don't know but i am hoping for another creature, say Balrog (yeah right!), Orcs, or Witchking (true form or not), Fell beast :balrog
We haven't had an announcement in awhile. I almost forgot about this line, and I'll probably be canceling. SS is making alot of great stuff and its getting hard to keep up with the cost of things. I still got SSW statues and I'm happy with them, so I'll most likely be dropping from this line.
My wallet may keep me from this line. We'll have to see what condition the old bank account is in when the first two are ready to ship, since I have pretty much used up my collecting budget in the first half of the year.
I really am on the edge of chosing to keep 12" and PF both or keeping the PF only. I would love a new announcement before shipment of Aragorn or legolas. Actually, 12" looks ******* good and the price vs quality really rocks
I am going to have to do some serious thinking when I look at the LOTR 12" display. I prefer PFs over 12 inchers any day, and while I think the Star Wars license lends itself well to the "toy" feel of the 12" action figures, I'm not completely sold on the format for LOTR yet. I will decide after seeing them in person this week. (!)

Meanwhile, the LOTR PFs look to be pretty cool. I really hope we are about to see number three on Wednesday night.
I think one will be shown at SDCC. The interactive map had a blank spot in or by the other 2 PFs. But no 12" though? :(
tomandshell said:
, and while I think the Star Wars license lends itself well to the "toy" feel of the 12" action figures,

Meanwhile, the LOTR PFs look to be pretty cool. I really hope we are about to see number three on Wednesday night.

Tom, I believe there is a slight difference between SW 12" and LOTR 12" figures. I did not like Luke, anakin but Aragorn or Legolas looks cool enough. Still they have the toy feeling and I want my collection to look first class and therefore I probably will cancel the 12"'s

On the other hand, only Lurtz himself is number one so far and a 3rd piece would be lovely on wednesday night
High Elven Soldier

High Elven Soldier

High Elven Soldier

High Elven Soldier

High Elven Soldier

High Elven Soldier

Right on, Pordey!! That's the one figure above all others that I want in PF Format.
i for one will be very tempted to get a PF High Elven. just thinking of all the weapons/accessories he will have makes me go :chew

if you have the toybiz figure you'll know what i mean.
It appears tha I may represent the minority here but I think that Sideshow's LOTR 12" line is the most impressive line that they carry. Even more impressive than their PFs. The level of detailing found on these "figures" rivals that found on the PFs, though at a smaller size.

I just hope that the lack of a space for LOTR 12" figs at SDCC is not indicative of a possible abandonment of the line. At the very least, please allow the release of the Fellowship Nine, even at the expense of not seeing Josh shave his head... :D
It appears tha I may represent the minority here but I think that Sideshow's LOTR 12" line is the most impressive line that they carry. Even more impressive than their PFs. The level of detailing found on these "figures" rivals that found on the PFs, though at a smaller size.

I have to agree, I think the quality and detail of the 12-inch line looks to be fantastic, and I can only imagine the reaction when people see this in person. The headsculpts are as nice as anything they have done and the amount of detail being loaded into the various costumes blows me away.

I don't try to be a Sideshow apologist, when they don't hit the mark, I can easily admit it, but the PF Frodo sculpt looks a little sharp but otherwise pretty dead on, and the Aragorn 12-inch sculpt is the best I've seen yet. Just my .02
I'm all for the 1:6 line but to be honest I'm think about cancelling the exclusives and just getting the regulars cheaper from my dealer.

So far there isn't an exclusive that I'd display with my figure.
really? I like the ideas of the cloaks, and had to convince my girlfriend to set up a Sideshow account to get two Boromir figures, just so I could swipe the cloak and gauntlets from the exclusive to give to Aragorn! I think the LOTR exclusives have been much more "must-have" items for me than Star Wars, with the only ones that I "gotta"have being the mynock and Darth Maul's damaged Saber.
abstractharmony said:
I'm all for the 1:6 line but to be honest I'm think about cancelling the exclusives and just getting the regulars cheaper from my dealer.

So far there isn't an exclusive that I'd display with my figure.

I think the Lothlorien cloaks are must-haves, though. I wish Aragorn came with one, instead of the ranger cloak.
People seem to think the next 1:6 figure will be Gandalf but Dave over at RS hinted that the next figure won't be in the fellowship..... I'm actually hoping for a Ringwrath personally. I'm really anxious about this line, I couldn't free up the funds in time to order Aragon's exclusive so I'm waiting on the fence for that one....