Hasbro 6" Black Series Star Wars line

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Jabba sold alone is wrong. He needs his dias. Vader soft goods looks bad. Chewie's head sculpt needs to change. I like the Biker Scout and clone troopers
Jabba sold alone is wrong. He needs his dias. Vader soft goods looks bad. Chewie's head sculpt needs to change. I like the Biker Scout and clone troopers

That's probably the SCC exclusive. They said they have something big in the 6 inch line for Comic Con (and I don't mean the emperor). I bet it's an exclusive Jabba with dais and slave girl.
Crap! I wasn't going to collect these but I found Boba Fett by chance the other day at Target. Now I want stormies, Vader, biker scout, Luke, etc. I'm screwed! :lol
Chewie's head (unless it's mainly lens distortion affecting the proportions) looks too elongated - like the stupid ROTS Chewie mask - always hated how they made him look more like a ****ing sasquatch than how he looked in the OT.

Definitely buying the Biker Scout and Speeder set; possibly ROTJ Vader too, not sure. Don't feel like I neeeed that, especially.

I wonder if they are looking to bring more, larger vehicles into the 6" Black series over time. It seems unlikely, as they'd surely get very large and expensive very quickly, but still..
Wow, Scout with Speeder Bike is very cool (not into the Black line but that set is pretty tempting). I can't wait until these are a reality in 1:6. Hoping that SSC shows a prototype at this year's SDCC. :pray:
Me too! Tragic! I refuse to pay scalper prices on it.

Im not defending scalpers but i can understand retailers raising Fetts price. I only sell in sets of 4 at £79.95 i'm not going to charge £40-£50 like ive seen on ebay. Customers need to buy the other figures too if every one just buys Fett then this series will be dead soon. Han and Fett are the only figures from series 2 selling every shop seems to only have Greedo and Leia left. These shops will not restock if they cant sell the figures they have left, i have all ready halved my orders on series 3.
Luke is another likeness fail
Chewie = weird looking for some reason
Vader = nice, but cloth cape needs work
Speeder Bike with Biker Scout = major win
Jabba - very nice
Luke is another likeness fail
Chewie = weird looking for some reason
Vader = nice, but cloth cape needs work
Speeder Bike with Biker Scout = major win
Jabba - very nice
Luke's sculpt is fine actually - it's the gloopy toy show paint that's killing it.

Not sure why Chewie looks wonky? I already made mention of the silly elongated ROTS mask looking head - & Sachiel posted a pic of Harry-bacca to emphasize the point. :lol

The body looks stretched too.. :monkey1
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Ugh cloth cape. Skipping every Vader if they all have cloth capes. Completely defeats the purpose of having more detailed 6 inch figures. Luke in Jedi looks good. Jabba may just be in the box to show an idea of packaging. Foolish to release him without a throne. Any idea when Luke in bespin and ANH stormtrooper will ship?
Bbts just got them in I believe, so it's already starting.
Agree, all the human sculpts suffer from really bad paint. Not sure if the sculpt is that good or not, but would love to see some repaints if anyone has pics.
Is it me or the biker is a tad big for the bike?, I'd really like to see if he can be posed leaning down with angled arms and look same as in the movie. This is one of my favourite vehicle/driver series from the trilogy.
Its not you, the bike is truncated a bit, still looks good enough to display for my needs.