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what's the promo code?
Just got my first two 6" Black Series figures, and I find them very nice!
I got the Stormtrooper and the Biker Scout with Speeder Bike. Both are pretty sweet. The articulation is solid, the sculpts very neat. The speeder bike does have a mediocre paint app, but it's not terrible. It's a real bummer Darth Vader turned out so crap.
Having said that, I'm not really interested in collecting these, I guess I'll just get a figure here and there. Boba Fett is probably another nice figure to get.
Other than comic shops charging crazy markup, I haven't seen any Black Series in stores outside of Han, Greedo and Slave Leia, except deluxe figures like Jabba and the Biker Scout. A bit annoying, I'd like to get some like Chewie, guess I'll have to go to Amazon or something.
They just started showing up at my local Targets and walgreens. I saw the full set this morning at Target.
Which set did you see?