Super Freak
I've seen no reports this wave has even been released in Canada yet. You can't find it because it's not out.
They were released and already sold out on Toys R
I know some collectors in Toronto have Phasma.
I've seen no reports this wave has even been released in Canada yet. You can't find it because it's not out.
A couple of pics of my second Black Series pick ups (probably my last also) -
Why your last?
Honestly I'm trying to move away from the smaller figures from now on (1/6 scale all the way) and I'm really only going to pick up 'must haves' in these smaller scales. This Black Series I only wanted the Speeder Bike and Scout Trooper and the ESB Boba Fett and now is time to move on.
^^^ LOL! His hair should be gray though, not brown.
A little sad the hair isn't gray but it wil work for now. Figuarts will most likely make a silver hair Han.
One of the reasons that Hasbro 6" line can't be taken seriously. You can get away with this kind of shortcomings on a 4" figure but not on a (supposedly) collector geared 6". Figuarts are high end collectibles. Hasbro TBS are just oversized action figures toys.