I can't believe how limited stores are getting these BS. I still yet to see a Kylo Ren ( not the Kmart version) but just the regular in any of my targets, TRUs, Walmart, etc
I would've thought with the Xmas shopping I would've thought they would have more than enough of Kylos on the rack, but all I've seen are Poe, Finn and weird creature and the other weird creature. Either people are snatching up Kylo fast or the stores are not getting too many cases with Kylo![]()
How did you get gift card?
smart move did you open the toys r us one and return the Amazon purchase with the toys r us receipt?
I saw a listing on kijiji asking for $270 guy claimed it was super rare. my local toys r us only got 1 in stock. saw it there yesterday for $200 and I have a card for 10% off.
I finally found a captain phasma at Target yesterday. She's been a pain to find. Honestly, anyone that isn't Chewbacca or Finn you have to do a lot of searching for. Why is Finn such a pegwarmer? I get Chewbacca. It's just a repaint of the one a couple of assortments back but Finn? Why is he so easy to get? As for Kylo and Rey, I got them both force Friday but they are harder to find. I see them every now and then but they are harder to find.
What about Poe and the two weird looking characters. Those are peg warmers on all my stores as well.
Doesn't look like I will ever see Kylo in any store until after Christmas at this point. I can't believe I saw Rey, Chewy , Flame, even FO order trooper at least a couple of times in different stores but Kylo and Phasma seem like a fantasy find at this point
Oh well, at least I have the Figuarts Kylo coming to me![]()
I'm pretty amazed how poor these figures (Force Awakens) are paint and sculpt wise.
I've collected SW figures on and off my whole life and was amazed to see how far things have degraded in the last few years.
The Black series quality is about 2001 level sophistication with articulation, the normal figures are worse than those prior to the prequels. Chewbacca is a perfect example the smaller scale figure has had some amazing releases over the years with masses of articulation, the new ones look pretty awful, even the black series larger version. What gives?
What gives?
Why is Finn such a pegwarmer? I get Chewbacca. It's just a repaint of the one a couple of assortments back but Finn? Why is he so easy to get?
I can't justify spending the figuarts money on masked/armored figures. But for the human figures I think they're worth it. I'm using the 6" lines to add representations and costumes not included in my 1/6 scale collection.