Forbidden planet has it up.
That?s weird, I can?t see it.
Forbidden planet has it up.
Yup blows away their ESB version
I hope the end results come out looking like that Mafex quality digital render from Hasbro lol
Those are my first thoughts. Kinda unlikely. I think it's the same helmet sculpt; figure looks good. Always did like Fett's ROTJ blaster more than the ESB version.
Yeah certain parts of ROTJ Fett I prefer over ESB like the blaster.
But I don’t hate his ESB blaster either.
When it comes to Fett both designs are different enough looking that its worth just owning both.
That being said ESB Fett is way more iconic in his narrative.
Agreed. I prefer ESB Fett's narrative as opposed to Drunk Fett; ESB Fett's poncho, ROTJ Fett's blaster. The ESB weapon design is kind of cool in a brutal, utilitarian way and hearkens back to Westerns.
That?s weird, I can?t see it.
Great point about the ESB blaster design.
Now which do you prefer:
ESB belt pouches split in the center
ROTJ belt pouches grouped in the center
The way they made noise made me question if they were even human. I suppose it’s possible that death troopers could be cyborgs like Vader.
Anybody going to get the Haslab Mando ship
$350 to pledge start
There is a certain breed of fan...that will buy a partially decomposed dead rat if you slap a Star Wars logo on it. On eBay. At scalper prices.
Do you have a link to those? Asking for a friend.
The way they made noise made me question if they were even human. I suppose it?s possible that death troopers could be cyborgs like Vader.