Super Freak
Some of these upcoming figures /sets, will hopefully translate beautifully to the 6" scale.
I'm very curious about the Speederbike though!
I'm very curious about the Speederbike though!

That is another I have to get. Scout Troopers have always been my favorite kind of trooper from the original movies. just hope for no gimic features.
Only excited about Jabba if the Dias is included. Jabba sold by himself is just wrong!!
Yeah wave 3 should just be solid packs of Stormies, imo.
Case of Wave 3 will be 1 Luke, 1 Stormtrooper, and 2 Obi-Wans. You heard it here first.
(Not that I read this info anywhere, this is just my prediction, based on Hasbro's history of awesome pack assortments.)
- MJ
Case of Wave 3 will be 1 Luke, 1 Stormtrooper, and 2 Obi-Wans. You heard it here first.
(Not that I read this info anywhere, this is just my prediction, based on Hasbro's history of awesome pack assortments.)
- MJ
I think Anakin is being saved for Wave 4. Rumor has it Wave 3 will only have Luke Bespin, Stormtrooper & Obi-Wan. The logical pack-out for this case would be 2 Stormtroopers, 1 Luke & 1 Obi-Wan.
But then again, "logic" and "Hasbro" have never seen eye to eye.
- MJ
checked the times square toys r us today after work, wave 2 still hasnt hit NYC