Hasbro appreciation thread.

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That's because Barriss is one of Lando's bee otches and carries around a can of colt 45 in her hollowed out light saber hilt. Lol

I have that one too but I swapped mine over to a triad otaku Latino body. Looks nice.
Saw the new 2 for $10 packs at WalMart, not bad paint, but the lack of articulation... would make for nice army builders if you weren't having to eat an Anakin with every 501st clone you get. :slap
Yeah. Saw those too. Top my cup o tea. Sculpts are decent but no articulation means no buy for me. The black figures are nice. Picked up a anakin and padme. Those were the only two I wanted from this wave.
I saw the new Black Series Biggs at Target today. He looks pretty bad. I actually think the old POTF2 one with the un-removable helmet looked better than this new one.
Picked up a Hasbro Kenner C-3PO, should I mod his leg to silver? I was thinking of paint strip apoxie the screws, prime and paint. Has anyone already done this?
Yeah I saw that, I did snag the electronic 2 pack with R2-D2 off $bay. I was pretty upset had to pay top dollar lol I figured I would do the mod anyways because I want to get experience modding and def need practice. Maybe I should just dump it, but doing the Repaint could be a good project.
Finally got the new Boba Fett repaint exclusive Slave 1 from Amazon. Not bad. Pretty much a duplicate of the Rise of Boba Clone Wars Jango Deco Slave 1.
just curious, does anybody have any 3 3/4" e11 blaster rifles from the TVC stormtroopers I could buy? (or any other figure as long as it is the same mould) Got some unarmed TVC stormies that are fun as hell, but they have no guns. Thanks!

So, what's everyone's prized Hasbro SW figure?

I have Jar Jar in Cabanate(Super mint)
Bastilla Shan on a mint Tri-card
Darth Revan

My PotF2 collection. No. Seriously. I'm a bit younger than a lot of guys here who grew up with the Vintage line. These were my childhood toys. Almost got rid of them a few years back just to free up some space and get some disposable income. So happy I didn't! I'll be playing with these with my children, nieces, and nephews for sure. And the beauty is they're TOYS. I don't have to tell them not to touch them or not to be rough with them or keep them behind a glass case.

Just found this cool video to post here:


Don't get me wrong. Vintage figures are cool. They have the best packaging out of any action figure line I've ever seen. But I don't have the same connection to them and can't be bothered with paying premium prices for that stuff. I don't care for the 3.75" line past Episode I. I quit collecting in 2005 and am only now getting back into it with the 6" Black Series. I'd like to go back and get some Kyle Katarns and other EU pieces I've missed over the years if they were cheap enough.
That's cool. I personally have no connection with the POTF2 toys since I ended up missing them entirely -- I didn't even really know they existed until I got back into Star Wars a few years ago. So to me they're a distant third compared to vintage (which have the benefit of nostalgia and a certain simple esthetic that I like) and the more modern figures (which have better sculpts).

As an aside, I've always felt that the Episode One figures were a nice compromise between the vintage and modern styles -- more realistic and detailed sculpts, but not so fragile as the modern super-articulated figures.

But anyway if you like POTF2, you can get quite a nice selection of figures for a song and not have to worry about getting them damaged, as you mention.
As an aside, I've always felt that the Episode One figures were a nice compromise between the vintage and modern styles -- more realistic and detailed sculpts, but not so fragile as the modern super-articulated figures.

Agreed! I love my TPM collection. I don't love the movie, but I love the memory of going to stores as they opened and hunting down the toys. I love the memory of a new SW movie coming out. And while I generally don't care for the PT, TPM is by far my favorite of the bunch. By the time I ended collecting, I had trouble with figures staying put together. I couldn't imagine trying to play with those things! A kid I know has a box of mixed action figures and all of the heads and some other parts are just all over the place. A lot of collectors are groaning and moaning about the new 5 POA figures being produced. I think they're incredible. They're very vintage looking but detailed and colorful. I'm not going to own them, but they're fun to see nonetheless. Also, I have a feeling they'll be among the first SW figures since TPM that will stay together and endure years of play.
Obi-wan there is a perfect example of the case against softgoods at this scale. And is that Luke with the tiny legs still the pinnacle for ANH Luke figures?

Maybe I'm just spoilt by high-end these days.
Aw, cmon! I was going for the classic arm resting on Artoo's head!! LOL!!

The articulation on the guy is pretty crap too, but that's expected for his suit!

The articulation's fine actually. What I was getting at, was the figure's posture; his hip area needs to be rocked forward a bit & the upper body then positioned more vertical to compensate for the hip tilt, & that will look right then. The belly wires will show more & his posture will reflect the way Anthony Daniels stands in the suit.

The figure is great - the only real flaws are the removable panels & the paint they chose to go with. It's THE 3PO sculpt to use going forward - not the broad shouldered, thick limbed 'build-a-droid' protocol droid sculpt, or any previous wonky / less articulated Hasbro incarnation. :peace