Hasbro's INDY Figures: Wave 3 ("The Last Crusade")

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I saw these figures at TRU yesterday (the first of the figures, anyway). I am sorry for the diehard Indy fans who will buy these as blindly as I buy the Star Wars figures. These are even more hideous than a lot of the Star Wars stuff I buy from Hasbro.

And don't go to the 12". They look like pre-1964 G.I. Joes.

Man, those 12" are terrible; the 3 3/4" aint that bad......
Soo pulling this back to the top for the fact Hasbro has confirmed they have removed ALL Nazi references and emblems in the action figure line and have stated they will never, in any way shape or form make a Hilter figure. This now makes me think I will be sticking to (like Star Wars) updates of the vintage figures and select others. Hasbro essential just lost a HUGE chuck of change that I was willing to drop on this line.
Why on Earth would anyone actually expect (or even want) a Hitler figure from this line? It was a 2 second cameo from one of the movies for Pete's sake. :confused:

As far as no swastikas and stuff... This PC crap annoys me, too, but I can't figure out the last time any mass market toy featured any of that stuff so I won't go holding that against Hasbro now.

But the REAL stupid thing is that they are planning to make a Flying Wing vehicle, yet you can almost guarantee that it won't have the swastikas... forcing a repaint.
I can't find anyplace to PO Jones Sr. Got the others from that one I want PO but no Jones Sr
I thought wave 3 was supposed to be out 6-1-08?

Any sign of them?

Also, any plans of additional 12" figs?

Have any preview pics of the Temple line popped-up yet?
Why on Earth would anyone actually expect (or even want) a Hitler figure from this line? It was a 2 second cameo from one of the movies for Pete's sake. :confused:

Very true but I HAVE TO SAY THIS!

They've made Hasbro Star Wars figures out of characters that have less movietime than that.
Around my parts, the Indy figs are overflowing now. Finding later waves may prove challenging.

Same here. They took down the center aisle Indy display at the local Wally and replced it with Hulk, and now the toy aisle is flooded with the Raiders and KOTCS waves. I don't expect to see TLC wave there for some time.
Hasbro really did some weird stuff with these first two waves. There were so many different assortments that it's more like 4 or 5 waves with the same 17 figures. The retailers don't really know any better. They don't always understand that getting cases of assortments 1, 3, 4, and 5 for instance means they'll have 48 Mutt figures on the pegs. That should have been thought out much better.

That said, the 12" figures seem to be doing okay (except for a glut of Mutt there, too), the Deluxe figures are moving well, and the vehicles are doing great.
I grabbed a Cairo Swordsman the other day since I thought he would be in short supply. I will wait on Mutt for clearance. Cheap on clearance is one of the things I DO miss about Hasbro.
Hasbro really did some weird stuff with these first two waves. There were so many different assortments that it's more like 4 or 5 waves with the same 17 figures. The retailers don't really know any better. They don't always understand that getting cases of assortments 1, 3, 4, and 5 for instance means they'll have 48 Mutt figures on the pegs. That should have been thought out much better.

That said, the 12" figures seem to be doing okay (except for a glut of Mutt there, too), the Deluxe figures are moving well, and the vehicles are doing great.

I like the fact that they are getting indy out there, but i have a bad feeling that, the indy figs that don't move will keep the retailers from ordering the new ones.
Well, as long as they sell okay and the other elements of the line (Vehicles, Deluxe figs, etc) sell they will continue to order more. But the problem becomes more simplified: When the pegs are covered, there is no room for any of the new assortments.

Again, I think Hasbro created too much confusion with the various assortments in teh first 2 waves.
Well, as long as they sell okay and the other elements of the line (Vehicles, Deluxe figs, etc) sell they will continue to order more. But the problem becomes more simplified: When the pegs are covered, there is no room for any of the new assortments.

Again, I think Hasbro created too much confusion with the various assortments in teh first 2 waves.

IM just happy to have an indy fig, i never got the indy/solo fig when i was little:lol
I found a guy who sells on Amazon.com who says to have them in stock. Do a search and you can find em.

Also, Amazon has an A-Z return policy (please look-up what that means) with outside sellers. So, if there is a problem, you WILL get your money back.
There's an Orange county in NY too.

I decided to take the risk and order them from the guy off Amazon. They were one $7.00 a piece, so it's about the same as getting them at Wal-Mart.