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Super Freak
Sep 17, 2005
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Being on Christmas break from my elementary school til January 7th has strange side effects. One of them being time for your mind to wander and over analyze things . I watched Revenge of the Sith again Christmas night and something finally hit me. Funny, since I have seen the movie close to 10 times since release. Anakin was considered a radical ... a lose canon from the moment he stepped in front of the council as a boy. Hell, they didn't want to even train him. But, they begrudgingly accepted him - I always figured they felt like it was better to supervise Obi-Wan than let him train Anakin somewhere else. But, it was obvious throughout the prequels that most of the council didn't trust him fully. So, how do they stress unity and help Anakin conform to the monk-like life of a Jedi? By letting him dress completely opposite of nearly EVERY humanoid Jedi in the order. Sure, the robes might have slight hue differences but nearly everyone else wore the same style. So, why let Anakin wear the leather getup and further isolate himself from everyone else? I welcome any explanation (well, except Lucas is lazy ... DOH ... haven't heard that one before), even expanded fiction. Let the discussion commence.
I don't think the Jedi Council was terribly dogmatic on a Jedi dress code. I am sure they allowed for individual expression within certain limits and I doubt Anakin's style would have been considered to far out of the norm.

I mean, you want radical, what about Kit Fisto's salmon colored shirt? :google
Jedi dress code?

this is an easy one... jedi's are *******s.. while siths are like normal day average joes like me and you.
Jedi dress code?


Yes, I realize some of the Jedi wore different outfits - that's why I used the quantifier nearly. Plus, Secura was a female, and I would imagine there are different dress codes for females (it's reverse discrimination - like how I cannot wear denim pants at work, where as a female can wear a denim skirt as often as she wants ... they better hope I never find a denim kilt ... might just have to prove a point ...................... next year after I get tenure :D). But, the majority of them, especially the ones on film, wore a similar style. Now, I can see dress not being a huge thing for the average Jedi. But, to use a parent metaphor, your kid - who you are already worried about being sullen and isolated - starts dressing Goth, you start to worry a little. So, with all this concern over his anger and doubt, it seems like Yoda would have taken Obi-Wan to the side and said, "To the Jedi Gap, take young Skywalker ... to the light section, show him you must."
The easy answer here is that the brown outfit makes an easier transition for when he turns evil. Makes it easier to identify who is who on that ROTS final duel.
In one of the visual dictionairies, it actualy talks about this. The jedi Robe is more of a tradition than a requirement. Jedi are free to dress how they please, however there are "sugested" styles of clothing. Anakin's choice of darker colors and leathers was intended to show how he distanced himself from those around him, and in some ways considered himself "above" everyone else.
In one of the visual dictionaries, it actually talks about this. The jedi Robe is more of a tradition than a requirement. Jedi are free to dress how they please, however there are "suggested" styles of clothing. Anakin's choice of darker colors and leathers was intended to show how he distanced himself from those around him, and in some ways considered himself "above" everyone else.

Thank you Lerath. That makes sense. Sure, it's probably just rationalizing Lucas' misjudgment of the use of subtle foreshadowing, but it works. It also feeds well into the notion of the Jedi Council failing Anakin themselves. They could have made him feel part of the Order and helped curb that superiority complex if they had tried. But, no, let's let young Skywalker wear the Sith Jr. outfit ... what could it hurt? ... :rolleyes:
Bultar Swan also has the leather tabbards like Anakin.


Anakin, in classic Toshii Station tone, "But Obi-Wan, all the cool paaaadawaaans are wearing leatheeeerrrrrrrr ....."

Was Bultar in AOTC or ROTS, or is that just a publicity still? I can't remember.
Besides, many Jedi dress very differently; Luminara Unduli and Bariss Offee dress all in blacks and dark colors, Ki-Adi-Mundi has a very unique outfit, Saesee Tiin wears darker colors, etc. etc. etc. Robes are a tradition, not a mandate.
Being on Christmas break from my elementary school til January 7th has strange side effects. One of them being time for your mind to wander and over analyze things . I watched Revenge of the Sith again Christmas night and something finally hit me. Funny, since I have seen the movie close to 10 times since release. Anakin was considered a radical ... a lose canon from the moment he stepped in front of the council as a boy. Hell, they didn't want to even train him. But, they begrudgingly accepted him - I always figured they felt like it was better to supervise Obi-Wan than let him train Anakin somewhere else. But, it was obvious throughout the prequels that most of the council didn't trust him fully. So, how do they stress unity and help Anakin conform to the monk-like life of a Jedi? By letting him dress completely opposite of nearly EVERY humanoid Jedi in the order. Sure, the robes might have slight hue differences but nearly everyone else wore the same style. So, why let Anakin wear the leather getup and further isolate himself from everyone else? I welcome any explanation (well, except Lucas is lazy ... DOH ... haven't heard that one before), even expanded fiction. Let the discussion commence.

Cause it's a movie!

(and lucas wanted anakin to have "darker" colors for reasons we all know)